
on 6/6/11 10:33 am - Ottawa, Canada
Okay, so I don't mean to be mean, but I am getting so frustrated with the Ottawa Clinic.  I understand they are overwhelmed with calls and appointments.  But I have done all my test went to the orientation and now I know I have another appointment (god knows when) for the pre op then the appointment for the surgeon.  But some people have had orientation later then me and have a surgery date!!!!!!!!!!

So what gives??  It's just I am so frustrated.  (Sorry, if this sounds mean) I apologize for everyone else who have their surgery date, I am truly happy for you.

I'm just so discouraged.
  Choose love, power, and acceptance instead of what we default to which is fear, dependence, and intolerance
on 6/6/11 10:41 am - Canada
I think that's a completely valid frustration and you should call Lana at the clinic and (with the most sweetness you could possibly muster) ask her.

I truly believe that you'll have your surgery when it's the perfect time for you. That said, I'm sure that if I was walking in your shoes, I'd be buying into frustration and losing sight of what I believe.

I hope that you get the call soon. Good luck.
~Just another day for you and me in paradise. 

on 6/6/11 10:42 am - Ottawa, Canada

Join the club sister! Ottawa has no rhyme or reason to how they do things or get things done. I am very happy for those who have their dates or have had surgery but Ottawa really has to get their poop in a group for heaven sake.


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



on 6/6/11 10:46 am - Ottawa, Canada
OMG thank you for the quick reply.

C. I have called Lana twice and left messages.  Nobody has called me back.  I spoke to my family dr and she said that she sent all the paper work to the ottawa weight clinic.

With everyone saying that Dr. Yelle is rescheduling I am wondering maybe that is why they are backed up?
  Choose love, power, and acceptance instead of what we default to which is fear, dependence, and intolerance
on 6/6/11 10:50 am - Ottawa, Canada

Is Dr. Yelle rescheduling? What did he break the other arm?


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



on 6/6/11 10:58 am - Ottawa, Canada
Maybe I am reading wrong, but some of the comments on here say that they had an appointment with Dr. Yelle and had to reschedule with Dr. Mamamuza (I think that is how you spell it?)
  Choose love, power, and acceptance instead of what we default to which is fear, dependence, and intolerance
Manda M.
on 6/6/11 11:01 am
The same crap is going on at all the clinics.. Just gotta wait it out like the rest of us. Good things come to those that wait. Plus it;s always good to have extra time to prepare:)
on 6/6/11 11:03 am

I have said this before but I will say it again, some of the centres, Ottawa included could take a page from HRRH.  My daughter is going through there, she called to see if they had received her referral and the next day was emailed with her packaged and a printable schedule of all of the appointments up to and including 1st appointment with surgeon, orientation, education class, behav/nut.  She knew exactly when she was going and didn't stress out about waiting for calls.  After her last appointment she was told that she could call back the next day and get her surgeon appointment and date for surgery which she did.  Surgery is in August.  All of this took six weeks start to finish, her initial referral was to Ottawa last July and in January she called and requested the transfer as it was closer....I have been waiting since December 2009 and will continue to wait for my education class, surgeon appointment and date!

I am going through Ottawa and like most of you have waited by the phone, checked msgs frequently and nearly knocked anyone in my way down if a long distance call was coming through.  Humber has been doing this stuff a long time, and may have figured out the easiest way to reduce the number of calls, stress and time for people waiting-use modern tedhnology email!!!!!

Thats all.

on 6/6/11 12:30 pm, edited 6/6/11 12:33 pm
Remember that surgical applicants are screened and move toward surgery at different rates depending on their risks. . ."triaged" so to speak. . .someone morbidly obese with insulin resistant diabetes may be hustled through and dealt with quicker than someone who is overweight and has GERD.

Its how health care works, and yes it gets frustrating for those who seem to get "faster service. . .remember ER departments do not see on a first come first serve basis and neither does any other program.  The once with the most extreme need and risk are dealt with sooner than later

Oknee's just gotta dance
Weight at the start of Optifast 378 T-1 OR Weight 352
Broke the 300 pound Barrier 13-Dec-2009 291.2lbs 01-APR-11 "onederland"
HGBA1C 5.2  d/c from the care of  my Endocrinolgist 09-JUL-10 "diabetes resolved"
10-MAR-11 Extreme Sleep Apnea (dx 2007) resolved-"b-bye CPAP won't miss ya"

HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT IRON AND/OR http://theironmaiden.ca/                

Carpe Diem
on 6/6/11 12:31 pm - Canada
I know...it is total bull**** This week wil be 1 month since my appointment with the beh/nut and i have no flipping idea when the next call will be. I am just flabbergasted that it's been deemed perfectly acceptable to keep people hanging like this between appointments. It's so unprofessional. I mean where are we supposed to draw faith and confidence from that four weeks of no contact does not mean my file hasn't been erased from the database, or something?
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