Diagnosed with Diabetes! - What's Next?! Arrggghhh!

on 6/11/11 1:47 pm - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi Sheri - thanks for that uplifting message. Seeing what happened to you makes me feel a lot more confident in my own future. I guess that we're all afraid that something will happen to cause us to be denied the surgery and we're afraid to believe it will happen for us because we want it so desperately!  I have a feeling that I'm going to be like you & not believe it until I wake up & they tell me the surgery is over - lol! Thanks for the kind wishes - they're very much appreciated!

on 6/11/11 1:49 pm - Canada
RnY does "get rid of diabetes", can't say if permanent or not..but it "got rid of mine" and is a known cure (temporay? lasting many years maybe and hopefully!) . If they put you on meds for diabetes prior to surgery, you will be off them in no time, guaranteed....no worries...The weight loss that comes with WLS will help you along and in no time you will be a former diabetic.  Good Luck! it happened to me so it will to you too!
on 6/11/11 1:59 pm - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Thanks so much for sharing that with me - I feel a lot better hearing that some of you experienced the same diagnosis and the WLS was able to allow you to be free of your diabetes and other illnesses.  I feel a lot better about my diagnosis hearing this. Thanks for sharing.

on 6/11/11 3:59 pm - Windsor, Canada
Hi, I just want to give you a word of encouragement too. I was just over the borderline diabetic and now after surgery I am not on anything for it, also I'm no longer taking any BP pills. And I want to say that you will be in very good hands with Dr. Cheung. He is really nice and he is all for WLS.  My friend has him as her doctor for her many health problems and he has wanted her to go for this surgery, so he does encourage his regular patients to have this. I'm really glad that you don't have to have a scope and you don't have a hernia. That is really good news. Take care Deb.

on 6/12/11 1:28 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi Rosalee! Thanks for the encouraging words. It sounds like this is quite common for many of us & the surgery seems to put an end to so many medical problems - yay! I agree with you about Dr Cheung - I actually was his patient many years ago for a hormonal problem. The other cool thing is that his wife is my family doctor (Dr Koo) & I've ben seeing her for 25 years! I told her on Friday to put in a good word for me with Dr Cheung & she laughed & said that she would - LOL!!!!! 

Megan M.
on 6/11/11 11:37 pm - Canada
Pretty much the same story for many of us.  For me, the last year and a half has seen my BP meds increased to 4 pills at max, cholesterol ok with meds, but a new diagnosis of diabetes as I progressed through bariatric tests.  I currently take 2 metformin pills, but have more bloodwork tomorrow to determine how it's been going and if I need more.  Unfortunately, I've been having  a hard time wrapping my head around the diabetes thing, and I know I'm suffering a little bit of denial.  I find it difficult to do the 2-hours after eating poke, b/c I forget and end up having a coffee or something.  It is very frustrating, and I know I should be taking better care of this stuff.

However, the NP told me that with this type of diabetes, 84% cure rate almost immediately after surgery - something to do with hormones in the stomach, and the separation of the stomach almost immediately rectifies the hormonal issues.  She also made me feel so much less a failure by saying that when you get to be this size, hormones play a big part in your weight, and that basically I've been fighting a losing battle where my weight is concerned.  Surgery is the best option.  I'm sure many of these things apply to many of us.

Like you, I say "enough already" as well.  Down with all these meds, down with all these co-morbidities, up with good health, good life, good years to come!!  For all of us.
on 6/12/11 1:34 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Gee Megan, it sounds as though, like me, you didn't find out that you had diabetes until you were going through all your pre-surgery tests - maybe that's pretty common for WLS patients.  I haven't been told yet that I have to start poking myself - I have more tests first, then another meeting with my doctor on the 23rd.

I'm really glad to hear what your NP said - that's pretty encouraging. I also like what she said about the hormones playing a big part in our weight - it's confirmation that, despite what some people may think, we're not just lazy gluttons who gorge on candy and chips all day! I hate being typecast like that!  Yep, Megan, it's OUR turn!

on 6/11/11 11:50 pm - brantford, Canada
Hi Deb when i was at the stage you are in i had diabetes and othe co mobitaies. and i got approve for the surgery.you may even find that once you get this surgery your dibetes may imporve or not even exsist any more.i turned my dibites around and i not longer have too take the inssulin or actos i was perscribed by my doctor.there is a ligh at the end of the tunnel.i think you will get approved for surgery know that you have this diagnoses of diabetic.my fingers and toes are crosssed that you get approve for this surgery.keep us updated on what the docotor says and when you get approved for this surgery.sendign you hugs and postive vibes.
on 6/12/11 1:36 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Thanks for the support, Paula - I definitely appreciate it! Good for you - I'm so glad that you got rid of your diabetes - that's fantastic! I'll definitely let you know what the doctor says when I see him on Wednesday!

on 6/11/11 11:56 pm, edited 6/11/11 11:56 pm
What I find so aggravating is that you've been on this journey for a year already.  They make you go to nutritionists etc - which are only needless appointments that put up road blocks and slow down the process.   If they had of given you this surgery in the due time that our health care system is SUPPOSED to provide,... you wouldn't have had to deal with diabetes at all.   Health care delays and rationing is damaging people's health.  Grrr.
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