Losing weight prior to surgery

on 6/16/11 5:32 am - London, Canada

Does anyone know if I will be required to lose weight prior to surgery to show them that I am committed to the process, even though my BMI is 41??

I'm afraid if I do that I won't qualify for OHIP.

(deactivated member)
on 6/16/11 5:42 am - Toronto, Canada
Depending on the hospital/center, some will want you to lose weight.  It wasnt asked of me - Im going through Humber.  The only thing the surgeon said was "dont gain any weight or you'll have to do another week of Optifast". 

You WILL still qualify even if you lose weight - that's the info we were given at orientation.  I believe they go by the info submitted on your referral [but not 100% sure].
on 6/16/11 5:50 am
At Guelph, if you have no heatlh complications you need to have a BMI of 40. If your BMI is 42 when you have your first weight in, and then you lose weight and come your second visit and you 39.9 BMI, then they congradulate you and send you on your way cause you no longer qualify. Which I think is wrong. Also, if you gain any weight your surgery will be delayed, so you can go back to the dietican and get your eating back in control. I dont know about anyone else, but this causes an extreme amount of anxity. Im always so afraid of gaining or losing to much.
(deactivated member)
on 6/16/11 5:53 am - Toronto, Canada
O! M! G!  Are you serious?!?!  If you actually LOSE weight you may not qualify through Guelph??  That's insane!

This is why they need to make ONE set of rules/guidelines for ALL centres/hospitals in Ontario. 

Posts like these make me really happy I went through Humber. 
on 6/16/11 6:42 am - Canada
 From what I understand, they take your weight the first time you go, and that weight determines whether or not you qualify for surgery.

Your best bet is to call the centre and ask them. Things can change all the time.
Highest Weight - 372 (May 2010)
Surgery Weight - 332.6 (March 4, 2011)
Current Weight - 212.9
Goal Weight - 175
on 6/16/11 6:50 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi Lulu - I was told at the bariatric clinic when I went for my first appts that I need to show a weight loss at each visit, even if it's only one pound. That's to show that I'm committed to making the necessary changes in my eating habits. I was told by my doctor that it "looks bad" to those in charge if patients are gaining weight while they're going through the program - again, it looks as though they are not serious about the program and they could be told to come back at a later time to start over, once they are ready to make more of an effort. The nurse said that if you do gain a pound or two, they will listen if you have a logical explanation (eg- it was your birthday & you ate a piece of cake) and you're not gaining at every visit.

I agree totally with Simona - it would make this process a whole lot easier and clearer if all of the centres & hospitals followed the same rules and guidelines, especially when it comes to eating plans and procedures after surgery. Guelph does seem to be a bit stricter from what I've heard.

on 6/16/11 6:53 am - Kitchener, Canada
I went through Guelph with a low BMI and I too was afraid of loosing before surgery and coming in below 40.  I was told, they do not put you out of the program because your initial weight   qualified you to be part of the centre.  The other thing they take into consideration is your weight loss/gain history.  WE have all been there,  lost, gained, lost again and that is why we are with the clinics, that is why we are looking for this tool. 

If they kicked out the people that lost weight and brought their BMI lower than 40, I bet in a few months those people would be wanting back in because they gained the weight back.

Your best bet is to ask the clinic what their policy is. 
on 6/16/11 10:00 am - London, Canada
Thanks for all the information, it somewhat puts my mind at ease. 
Leslie W.
on 6/16/11 10:42 am - Cobourg, Canada
I am going through TWH. What they told us at orientation is that it is the BMI that is on the original referral that they go by. They want to encourage good eating habits etc.... I have lost 26lbs since April working with a Dietician. They want to see that you are making an effort to improve eating habits. If you are a big Pop and junk food eater, just cutting that out will cause you to lose weight.

We were told that once we received our orientation notice it meant that we were approved for the program( it could still be nlocked along they way depended on the appointments etc...)

Good luck
Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
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