No surgery date yet

A T.
on 8/18/11 12:17 am - Hamilton, Canada
 I called Krista at St. Joes Hamilton.

I have been waiting since July 21 and still not date has been set.

It is very frustrating waiting when some people get there dates right away.

on 8/18/11 12:21 am - Ottawa, Canada
I don't know that anyone gets their date "right away"....but I can certainly understand how frustrating it is to feel like you are at a standstill in the process while others seems to be moving ahead of you.

Good luck to you and all I can say is patience seems to be a virtue inthis WLS waiting game.
Try to forget about it and keep enjoying life while you're waiting.





A T.
on 8/18/11 12:26 am - Hamilton, Canada

Thanks for the words of encouragement!!!

on 8/18/11 3:10 am - Hamilton, Canada
Hi Allison,

I can relate to your frustration.  I was so anxious to get a date I was calling home twice a day to check my voice mail and was stressing myself out.   Now that I have the date of Sept 14th I'm finding that the days are flying by faster than usual.  Try not to get discouraged. (easier said than done)  I hope you get your date soon. 

All the best,

A T.
on 8/18/11 4:19 am - Hamilton, Canada
 Hi Ready-for-change

I see you are going to St. Joes when did you see the surgeon to give me a good idea on when
I might get a date.

on 8/18/11 9:07 am - Hamilton, Canada

I saw Dr. Dennis Hong on July 12th and got the call with my surgery date about a month later. 

on 8/18/11 3:18 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi Allison - I can definitely sympathize with you - waiting is the worst part of this whole thing! Like you, I truly don't begrudge anyone their good fortune in getting their surgery dates, it's what we're all waiting for, but it's so frustrating to see others moving forward who started later than I did!  I found that I was getting very depressed over it so I just decided to step away from the forum for awhile until I can deal with it more positively.  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Allison, that you hear something soon about your date.....Good luck!!!

Manda M.
on 8/18/11 7:32 am
I had walk away from here too. I was stressing out, crying and getting snappy with family members that would ask "do you have your surgery date" to which I would answer "Umm if I had one... YOU would know!!" Your best bet is to walk away from here for a bit and distract your mind.. but that with work or a hobby or getting your home ready for your upcoming new life.. Best of luck!  -- My thoughts and experience so far post RNY!!
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