A few more NSVs and Please add some of yours to this list!

on 8/11/12 2:25 pm - Canada
Let's add a few more fun ones...
- easier to shave my armpits (which I now own two of)
- fit into any bathroom stall - and can wipe in all as well!
- a medium Greek salad from Zehrs/superstore lasts me three days
- apparently my skin has improved...no more zits (yes, 48 year olds can still get zits)
- I stopped biting my nails and am now cross addicted to nail polish colours.  (I believe this is all part of the accessorizing cross addiction - lol)

I am sure that you have also had some good ones...so why don't we make one colossal list? Just for fun!!
Keep the inspiration coming!
Monica M.
on 8/11/12 6:16 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
hey, what's with the concave armpits??? lol
on 8/11/12 6:55 pm - Canada
yes indeed...I have innies where I used to have outies...
on 8/11/12 9:55 pm - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
I have acquired the nail polish cross addiction too !


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

on 8/12/12 4:31 am - Ottawa, Canada
same here with the nailpolish ... I've actually just purchased pink nailpolish ... I've never wanted to own or wear pink nail polish.  What's up with that lol

Submission for surgery -  October 2009            Info session - Jan 2010 
Nut & RN & behaviourist appt - Sept 2010          Follow up NUT appt - Jan 2011
eon appt - Jan 2011                                     RNY - March 4th, 2011 
on 8/12/12 7:10 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
- going through the TTC turnstyle.
- becoming a person in peoples eyes not just a blob
- not having to buy ugly clothes from large size shops
- being able to shave my legs
- having the energy to do things (went to the Jazz festival two blocks from my house for the first time in many years)

I wish my nails would grow and not split. This is not new since the surgery they have always done this.
I was interviewed at the Taste of the Danforth by CP24. I am sure if I had still been the person I was 85 lbs ago they would not have appraoched me.





on 8/12/12 5:11 pm - Canada
Maybe you could try some nail streghteners - I think that at Shoppers you can get Sally Hansens nail strengthener...then apply a couple of coats of polish, then a clear top coat...then, keep your hands dry (wear gloves to wash dishes) and they should do better.  I bit my nails all of my life.  I just thought that it would be in keeping with my new outlook on life to keep my hands looking as nice as the rest of me.  Not for anyone else, but me.  And, I started out polishing them when they were really stubby, but they looked kind of cute...now they are almost over my finger tips and I will have to rasp them down so that I can type on the computer comfortably...another unexpected NSV.

on 8/12/12 5:17 pm - Canada

new colour!
on 8/12/12 8:25 am
being able to get up when I fell down!!!!!!
on 8/12/12 4:13 pm - Kitchener, Canada

always crossing my legs
wearing high heeled shoes without the whole balancing act
fitting into a swing at the local park
new sex positions
bikini underwear


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