8 Week Stall...Please help!

on 2/18/12 4:52 am - Waco, TX
Has anyone ever gone through such a long stall? I am 4 months post op and I can't weight fluctuates between 217 and 220! I hasn't gone below 217 for almost 8 weeks now! I'm so frustrated and falling into a depression. I don't think I'm going to lose anymore weight! I know stalls are normal...I've gone through them but never one that has lasted this long! Has anyone gone through this?

on 2/18/12 5:04 am
VSG on 03/29/12
I have heard others say they had similar stalls at one point or another... sorry you're going through that! I haven't been sleeved yet, but I have read enough to know this type of this does happen.

Can you try changing up your eating plan a little? What about adding a little more exercise? Some have said that just adding even ten grams of carbs to their diet has gotten things moving, while others say changing up their exercise routine has done the trick. Maybe just play around and see what happens?

Don't give up, no matter what. You have come so far!

Highest weight: 277 Starting Weight: 250  Surgery Weight: 241  Current Weight: 130

Goal Reached in 10.5 months :)


Ms. Poker Face
on 2/18/12 5:12 am
You are right that stalls are pretty normal but this one seems to be going on longer than normal.  Can you help us help you by posting what you eat in a day?  How many calories, carbs, protein?  Are you drinking enough fluids?  Doing any exercise?


5'5"    Goal reached, but fighting regain.  Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246    Goal Weight 160    Current Weight 183

Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L


on 2/18/12 5:39 am
Now I read on here and not sure if it is what broke my stall or not but fish oil vitamins, I think someone said they were taking about 4 tablets a day, they are big. I started taking them about 3 weeks into my stall and about 4 days later I noticed a good drop in my scale.

Definitely post your daily intake information on here so some vets can take a look at it. I was frustrated with 3 weeks and cannot imagine the frustration of 8 weeks.

Make sure you are between the 600-800 calories a day
64 oz plus of water
under 40 g of carbs
60-80g of protein a day
Lots of vitamins
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 2/18/12 6:33 am, edited 2/18/12 6:34 am - TX

Boy, have I ever!!!! 

I was sleeved on 8/24/2011, and I am a stair-step loser - - usually stalling out for 2 or 3 weeks, then seeing a large drop in weight during the fourth week. 

However, after Christmas, everything came to a screeching halt.  I kept recycling the same 4 pounds...over and over and over and over. 

I can understand your frustration COMPLETELY.

I can tell you what I have done - -

I upped my water - I was always good about getting a minimum of 64 oz in during the day....but I never did strive for much more.  That's now changed.  I am routinely drinking 100+oz EVERY SINGLE DAY. 

I also upped my physical activity - I had been walking on the treadmill since shortly after my surgery....but while I was out one night with my friends in late October (visting my best friend from Kaneohe, no less!) I ruptured my MCL and tore the meniscus in my left knee.   That really curtailed my physical activity.  It took almost three months to rehab to the point that I could begin jogging on the treadmill -- but I have done it.  My treadmill workouts have gone from walking for 30min at 3.0mph to walking for 45 min at 4.0mph...to staring the C25K running program AND walking at 3.5-4.0mph for 30 minutes before or after I do that workout.  And - I get on that treadmill EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Sometimes twice.  I try to log a minimum of 6miles on it.  
I also do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred 3 times per week -- so that I get some circuit-type training in - a good mix of strength and cardio.  I curse at her, but I don't think she minds. 

I also finally gave in and deviated from the 600-800 cal, 60-80g protein, less than 30g carb routine.  I now try to hit 100g of protein per day and I have added half of a banana every morning (55 cal, 15g carbs) before I get on the treadmill AND I down a Cytomax protein drink immediately following my workout - - and I really feel like it has made a difference. I usually end up with closer to 40-50g of carbs, but also feel like its necessary when I am burning at least 500-700 calories from my workouts every day.

Granted, the scale didn't move immediately - - it took about another week  -- but I dropped 4lbs in 3 days -- which is far more than I had done in the prior 6 weeks! 

Feel free to add me as a friend if you just want to vent, or have questions or need any support!  We can do this!!!  I'm bound and determined to hit goal as quickly as possible - - because I have promised myself another trip back to Oahu.  (I call your island my 'second' home...any time I need to get away - I head there to 'recharge' and spend most of my time on the windward side with my 'second family').

on 2/18/12 6:57 am
I don't normally speak to stalls on this forums because the word "stall" is way overused.  And not everyone defines "stall" the same. 

That being said... 8 weeks is a long time, but you didn't give much information.  I'm not big on tracking but if I was stalled for over a month with no idea why, I would track everything under the sun.  The most common advice I see around here is that you should increase your exercise, protein, and water.  Other than that, I would wonder if you need to talk to your doctor.  No point in doing that if you know that you are not following your eating plan or exercise. 

At 4 months post-op, you are still restricted. YOU ARE NOT DONE, but you do need to figure out what is going on.  You need to be clear with yourself about what you are doing and call your doctor's office if you need more guidance or answers.
Pre-liquid diet 392; VSG'd on 6/10/11; 5'9"; SW 368/ GW 195?
Pounds lost: mth1=26.7; mth 2=21.2; mth 3=24.8; mth 4=13.8; mth 5=14.2;  
            mth 6=11.8; mth 7=9.2; mth 8&9= 17.2    
on 2/18/12 8:18 am - Waco, TX
I may not be getting enough water or protein. I just moved from Hawaii to Texas and everything still seems so new to me. I have to readjust to so many different things...new place, new job, new everything! To top that off my dad had a stroke and has been in ICU for almost 4 weeks now.

I haven't been tracking my calorie intake with everything going on. Maybe I'm eating more calories than I think I am. Will definetly need to get it together because I've come such a long way to stop losing weight now. Before the surgery I was a stress eater and even though it's not possible to eat the way I used to, maybe I'm eating more than I think!

Another thing that has happened is that I have been on my menstrual cycle for almost 8 weeks also! Before the surgery I went 10 months with no monthly but I got my period early January and it has not stopped! I have an appointment coming up soon but I wonder if this has anything to do with my stall. I am not pregnant so no need to worry about that but no weight loss and being on my period for 8 weeks is taking it's toll on me.

I feel exhausted and I am thinking that maybe I'm anemic because of being on my period for such a long time. My new job has a free gym but I feel so week that I haven't gone. Since I wouldn't get my period before the surgery, I never bothered with the iron pills. I bought some yesterday and am starting to take them now. Again, I have an appointment coming up and I need to find a bariatric doctor to follow up with next month.

Thanks for the advice and help!
on 2/20/12 11:40 am
You sound over stressed which can also make weight loss harder.  I would say that you should go to a gynecologist first order, it is not normal to have your cycle for that long. Its a sign of something that's not right. Taking iron is probably a good idea also. Try to drink more, track your foods, and just walk or something for now. When you find out about why your having such a long cycle you will be able to get your strength back. When you find a new bariatric doctor to follow up with they will do labs for your iron and vit levels.  You could find a primary care doctor to get those done earlier... I know how sometimes it takes time to get in to see specialists. There could many things that are affecting you right now and it sounds like you have things coming at you from all sides.  Do your best, focus on what you want and need to do, and dont worry you will lose the weight. You will get your health back. Sometimes things do not happen as quickly as we like but they will happen. Take care...
on 2/18/12 10:20 am - Amityville, NY
Hi make sure you are tracking your sugar and salt intake
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