any advice? about 7 1/2 months out.. not really losing. (sorry, kinda long)

Ashley O.
on 4/2/12 1:54 pm
alright.. that makes more sense. Yeah, thats what most my protein comes from. chicken, shrimp, and string cheese are my main sources of protein.. its ridiculously rare i have a protein shake... i don't tolerate them well. most of them make me sick.. I don't think i'm lactose intolerante or anything.. i have no problem with any dairy products. not sure what it is witht he shaeks.. i never did well with them.

'all i eat is meat' protein wise or at all...? probably a stupid question. but you do eat vegetables or fruit or something with it sometimes i assume right..? or no..?

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Check out my blog? (:

on 4/2/12 1:45 pm
VSG on 02/04/12 with
Wait, did I read that right? At 6 months out you can eat 8 (EIGHT?!) ounces at one sitting? I was told I would only be able to eat 1/2 cup the first year and should try to stay with that amount forever (per sitting) even when I can tolerate a little more.

Other than that, meds can definitely screw with weight loss but not much you can do about that if they are needed. I would up the water, keep doing what you're doing and talk to your surgeon directly (instead of listening to any other drs giving advice). Best of luck to you!
Ashley O.
on 4/2/12 1:52 pm
Yeah, between 7-8 oz. I usually am around 5-6 but i can eat 8... my paper my surgeons office gave me says 6mo+ i can eat between 1000-1200 callories and 3-4 mreals from 8-12oz each... obviously that wouldnt help me out at all. i never got up to that much. i've kept it much lower.

i know a lot of people have much smaller sleeves and what not... i have no clue what my bougie size was or anything. i asked and they didn't really tell me. they just told me how much my sleeve can hold.. which is between 8&12oz aparently.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Check out my blog? (:

on 4/2/12 3:00 pm - Granada Hills, CA
 Measurements aren't created equal. Volume wise, there are 8 oz in 1 cup, so by that measure, i could easily eat 1 cup (or 8 oz) of cottage cheese. I could not eat 8 oz by weight of dense protein (and i have no idea how much 8 oz by weight cottage cheese is...) - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


Ashley O.
on 4/2/12 3:25 pm

yeah, same here. theres no way i can eat 8oz of dense protein.. i'd make myself sick.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Check out my blog? (:

on 4/3/12 12:47 am
VSG on 03/07/12 with
 AWWWW, now I get it! Because I was thinking oh **** I had almost 8 oz of chili last night and  I'm 4 weeks out. But, I get it......there is a BIG difference in a cup 8oz and 8oz on the scale. Thanks! I love reading what you have to say, it kinda turns on a light bulb for me. I think it's because you are so blunt. LOL 
on 4/2/12 2:03 pm
 ya i do, green beans, mainly cause my husband doesnt like veggies. then when i want something sweet I have my sf ice cream, and my 100 caleries choc snacks yummy, but i dont do that hardly ever. I'm also eating prob around 400 to 500 calories sometimes more. I dont get hungry I forget to eat sometimes. i had to just play with it. No offense your dr sounds like an idiot, you know what your body can handle just cut down on how much you can eat, i have never weighed my food i just eye ball it. Your meds shouldnt effect it to much, im a pharmacy tech. unless your taking steriods. good luck to you. 
on 4/2/12 2:17 pm - OR
Hey Ashley! Great job on the progress. Further restricting the carbs as a previous poster mentioned is something I'd second. I also have PCOS and hyperinsulinism and the carbs will just stop the loss dead in it's tracks.

Another thought... have you had your metabolism checked? I had it checked pre-surgery and it was functioning at 60% of expected... so too darn efficient to lose weight as easily as some. I have been taking Bronkaid (Primatene is another similar product) since June of last year to improve my metabolism and I believe that's a part of my success thus far.

Good luck!
Stephanie K
Age: 27 | Height: 5'8" | HW: 310 |
SW: 280.3 | CW: 176.6 | GW1/2/3/4: 250/210/199/160
M1: -24.6, M2: -13.2, M3: -10.7, M4: -15.8, M5: -4.5, M6: -11.6, M7: -6.7, M8: -8.8, M9: -5.6

1/3 Goal: 8/24/11, G1: 9/23/11, 1/2 Goal: 10/28/11, G2: 1/19/12, G3: 2/6/12

Ashley O.
on 4/2/12 2:28 pm
alright, thanks. (:

how do you have your metabolism checked..? no doctor has ever mentioned that to me, before.. and i've seen dozens.. lol.i'll definatley ask about that next time i see them though.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Check out my blog? (:

on 4/3/12 12:06 am - OR
I had the test (RMR = resting metabolic rate) prescribed by the doctor. It uses indirect calorimetry (through analyzing the gas you exhale) to get a more accurate figure of how many calories your body needs to sustain it's current composition at rest.
Stephanie K
Age: 27 | Height: 5'8" | HW: 310 |
SW: 280.3 | CW: 176.6 | GW1/2/3/4: 250/210/199/160
M1: -24.6, M2: -13.2, M3: -10.7, M4: -15.8, M5: -4.5, M6: -11.6, M7: -6.7, M8: -8.8, M9: -5.6

1/3 Goal: 8/24/11, G1: 9/23/11, 1/2 Goal: 10/28/11, G2: 1/19/12, G3: 2/6/12

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