McDonald's food doesn't rot

Kevin H.
on 4/4/12 1:37 pm, edited 4/4/12 11:28 pm - Baltimore, MD
VSG on 02/06/12
Thank God for VSG!  It has made me learn so much about food and what is good and bad to eat.  I never used to give a damn about any of that.

I came across this while reading about food and it really shocked me!  To think of the pure **** I was putting in my body all those years .. OMG!  This stuff isn't even real food.  There are many such projects similar to this if you goggle it, but this is just one of them. 

How gross is that for real? Something isn't normal about food that doesn't rot or decompose.  It made me think back to when my kids were little and I would find french fries down in the seats or under the floor mat when I would clean my car.  Lord knows how long it had been there but it still looked pretty normal, it was just hard kinda like plastic.   Now I call them plastic burgers every time I drive past a McD's.   Why in the world didn't I think about this when I would find those old french fries down in the seat of the car?  It never really dawned on me.

My God what was I putting in me?!  I'll never do it again.


on 4/4/12 1:40 pm
VSG on 03/12/12
There was also a documentary about this. It was called "Supersize Me." Ever since watching that, I chose to never eat there again.
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.? Philippians 4:13 (NIV)          
Kevin H.
on 4/4/12 2:14 pm - Baltimore, MD
VSG on 02/06/12
 Found it on youtube.  Thanks I'm watching it now.


on 4/4/12 4:59 pm - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
Supersize me was entertaining to watch.....but it was a giant lie.  I'm no defender of McDonalds and their food IS crap.

However, Spurlock was very misleading about what he actually ate during that month.  There is another documentary called "Fat Head" that kind of spells it out.  In that one the guy ate fast food for a month, but made it lower carb (under 100g per day) and ended up losing like 12 lbs during the month and his blood work improved.
Kevin H.
on 4/4/12 11:05 pm - Baltimore, MD
VSG on 02/06/12
 I'm sure there are healthier options to choose at the fast food joints but I was more interested in the article showing how the food turns into a hard plastic like substance that never decomposed, got moldy, rotted or anything of the sort.  It just isn't natural.


on 4/5/12 2:58 am
VSG on 08/16/12
Totally agree with you!

There's always 2 sides to the story.  Spurlock went in knowing what outcome he wanted and he made it happen.  I find it extremely suspicious that he never made his food diaries public.  I thought they were both good, but like anything else you see on TV or read, they should be taken with a grain of salt.

The one that really got me was Food Inc.  That was disturbing!
Kevin H.
on 4/4/12 11:28 pm - Baltimore, MD
VSG on 02/06/12
 Well I watched the entire thing and it was quite disturbing.  I didn't however see anything about how the food doesn't decompose or rot .. turning into a plastic burger the longer it sits on the table.

That was really what this thread was about.  Thanks for turning me onto the video, I found it interesting to watch.


on 4/5/12 1:43 am - NJ
 Seriously, check out Fast Food Nation, and if you have Netflix see if they have Jamie Olivers Food Revolution on it (it's a TV show, but it shows how he is trying to overhaul a local schools crap food and the resistance he gets to feeding kids HEALTHY, gives you a good peek into what is important in this country!). 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 4/4/12 2:15 pm
VSG on 08/16/12
 You should watch fast food's a real eye opener.  Also, if your interested in documentary type films, you should watch fathead.  It's the rebuttal to supersize interesting to get the other side of the story!
on 4/4/12 2:21 pm - Philadelphia, PA
OMG!!!! I really went to Mcd's today and was gonna buy my son a burger happymeal but got chicken nuggets instead! Im feeling a lil sick now bcuz i fed him something that probably wouldnt go bad for about a year! So glad i looked at your post! THANX!!!!!!!!

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