This is how to make your Profile Pretty!!!

on 7/4/06 3:13 pm - Simpsonville, SC

Do you mean the backgrounds?  if so go to this is a ton of backgrounds to choose from and copy and paste the same way you did your "Welcome" image hugs, nora

on 7/20/06 3:33 am - Pinckney, MI
Ok... I can't get to this site. I keep getting an error message that says "Bad Request" and then a bunch of mumble jumble stuff. My first try I got the home page, then I looked at all the backgrounds, I found one and put the URL in my profile, but then when I started looking at the dividers, once I got to page 2 it started that, and now I can't get to any page on that site. Is there another site I can use. I used the glittergraphics one fine, but I can't use the site for some reason If you can give me any help I would appreciate it. I use cable high speed internet, and my computer is fairly new. I tried clearing my internet history and my cache too and it still won't work. So I guess I just need a different site. Thanks! Shawn

Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7"  Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current

on 7/4/06 3:02 pm - Effingham, IL
Thanks so much, Nora!  I am completely computer-challenged, and when I saw your post, I almost didn't even look at it, thinking there was no way I'd be able to understand it.  But I did exactly what you said--thanks for the step-by-step--and now, low & behold, I have a pretty profile!  (I even managed to do it once, decided the background was too busy, and deleted it and picked another one--I'm amazed at myself!)






on 7/4/06 3:04 pm - Simpsonville, SC

Jo, your profile looks AMAZING!! and so do you I am so glad it worked for ya!!!




on 7/4/06 3:38 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Thank you so much for this post! I was able to do some changes to my profile, however I tried to do the falling smiley faces and it didn't work out quite right- there was a big space between them and my journal, also when I created  the words I wanted to use in my profile- instead of them coming out going across they came out going down, any ideas of how to fix this, I did delete them from my journal, so any help, and I will be glad to add them back- I am really new at this and pretty computer dumb- you have helped me so much with your post- I agree with the others, this needs to be reposted OFTEN! Thanks again, Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

on 7/5/06 12:25 am - Simpsonville, SC
Hey Dawn, the only reason I can think of that would cause the smileys to do that would be the placement of them in your profile, i put my butterflies a few spaces from the very top of my profile.  Just fool around with the placement of the code until they are were you want them to be.  the words you created must have been a "code for going down" instead of across, go back and try to redo it.  hope this helps ya.   hugs, nora
on 7/4/06 11:03 pm - NY
RNY on 06/08/04 with
Hi ya Butter, you really should re post this EVERY DAY so that everyone can read it and make their profiles pretty. I am working on my profile , and i am enjoying IT ALOT!! THANK YOU so much please think about re post this again, this will HELP OUT so many members.

Hugs & Kisses

on 7/5/06 12:59 am - Simpsonville, SC
Hey Lizzy, I just posted it again, and added a few more things to it.  I am soo happy that this is actually working and helping!! I love pretty profiles, it helps you kind of get an idea of who the person is too,  we all are on this board so much we all should have fun Profiles hugs, nora
Kathleen C.
on 7/20/06 6:14 am
RNY on 07/12/06 with
Kathleen C.
on 7/20/06 7:00 am
RNY on 07/12/06 with
 Nora,                 My daughter has been making my webpage for me and it is beautiful so far; however, she cannot center my glitter graphics.  After I read your post, I gave her the code you said to use to center the graphics and it didn't work, do you have any other codes for centering graphics?  Also, do you have any suggestions on how to change the font for my profile? Thanks!

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched ... but are felt in the heart."~Hellen Keller

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