How much is too much..? ? ?

on 1/24/09 2:48 am - Wakefield, MA
Hi Everyone,

So I got home from the hospital yesterday. I am feeling pretty good.. ALTHOUGH, the gas is killing my body!!! Anyway, Yesterday the Doctor told me clear liquids... Broth, Jello, Water ETC. And, today to start on the protein shakes again. I am paranoid that I am going to OVER do it...  How much should I have in a sitting?? It takes me 2 hours to drink 6 ounces of water...per doctors request. But, I NEED to get myself on a schedule.... If... I do a breakfast, lunch and dinner thing.... how much of my shake should I be drinking??? 

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated!!!

Take care,
New Shell
on 1/24/09 2:56 am, edited 1/24/09 3:01 am - Livermore Falls, ME
First priority should be drinking your protein shakes...that also counts as fluids (3 of those a day to get at least 60g of protein in).  Don't stress too much about what you should be getting daily.  The first few weeks are difficult to obtain what your doctor will get easier.  It's all pretty much fluid so it doesn't really matter how long it takes to drink.  I was able to drink an 8 oz protein shake in a 2 hour span so you should be alright with what you can do at 6.  It will be easier to get the protein in once you start eating more solids but until then drink the shakes and then fill in the gaps with the other stuff.
Heaviest 297 / Consult 287/ Pre Op 267/ Current 189

on 1/24/09 6:46 am - Elkhart, IN
Congrats on your surgery! Keep sipping all day long. At this point you really cannot do a "meal" because you cannot get enough in quick enough. I switched between protein drinks and water all day long. Liquids will not stretch your pouch out so unless you find a way to get in a bunch of calories, you'll be fine. Work hard to get as close to the 64 oz of liquids you need in each day. You can go a long time without food but it takes only a few days to dehydrate.

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