Getting protein in..

on 3/23/11 5:49 am - CA
I couldn't get my fluids OR my protein in at first. It's hard. Finally I said screw it to everyone that was telling me what I should do and did what I thought was right... I would eat some things but I would pound down my shakes as well. I had an awful time getting the protein that I liked- now I drink premiere protein from costco and SEI from the eggface site. No more gagging for me. At night when I go over my proteins and my carbs and all I see how much I got in and now I just drink a shake (sometimes doubled up on powder) to make my protein requirements.

I do get most of my protein from real food now so it's easier. You just have to find what's right for YOU.


I have wasted enough of my life worrying about what people think of me.
on 3/23/11 1:25 pm
 Thank you all so much!  I had tried the soy milk about 2 weeks post op and I think I may have dumped on that, I was so ill feeling.  So, I've been hesitant to try milk, but may do that in addition to the shakes to up the protein.  I just want to do the best I can and really lose all that I can and I'm worrying since I haven't been able to keep up with the nutrition requirements that I won't.  It's more than likely a totally irrational fear.  But once again I really appreciate all your advice/input.


 "Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be..."              
on 3/23/11 1:40 pm - Celina, OH

Tough early out, but food protein is best. I eat string cheese, shrimp, beef jerky, cottage cheese, and of course COD !!! All are high protein.
Keep working at it and you will be fine !!!!

Jim from Celina   328 Pounds...GONE !!!!!      
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