on 3/31/11 3:38 am - Houston, TX
20 Weeks ago I tipped the SCALES at 307 pounds. I went in for my Surgery and today I stepped on the scales and it showed me 207!!!   100 POUNDS GONE IN 5 months.

No more High blood pressure medicine, no more Cholesterol medicine. Glucose in check, All labs are normal. Waist is down from a 46 to a 35. Living in large and Medium clothes. NO Casual male for me anymore. BROOKS BROTHERS BABY!!!!!

Working out 6 days a week. Eating 1250 calories a day over 6 small meals and feeling FULL....LIFE IS GOOD.

I wanted to lose 100 pounds for my wife by our Anniversary, which is today, and I DID IT. I know it is not Jewelry, but I know she like the new me.

Just wanted to share
Kari F.
on 3/31/11 3:53 am
Congrats on a job well done :)
on 3/31/11 4:03 am

That is AMAZING!!!!!  You should be very proud, I know your wife is.  Jewelry isn't everything.  The fact that you are getting yourself healthy again so you can be around for many more lovely years with her is gift enough I am sure.  Keep up the hard work !!!!!  Sarah

 This is a life long journey I am ready to take...bring it on   

241 at first consult
218 day of surgery 

on 3/31/11 4:32 am, edited 3/31/11 4:33 am
Who is to define jewelry?  I'm betting that in addition to being healthier, you're also some mighty fine arm candy.  That's two, two gifts in one package!  Congrats.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

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