1st day home from hospital, misery, total misery

on 4/2/11 12:56 am - NC
Oh my word.  I am in so much pain.  I feel like I have made a big mistake.  I am afraid to eat anything.  Everything I try to eat is disgusting.  Water is even hard to get down.  I can't cough because of the pain.  And getting in and out of bed is a feat all itself.  None of my friends will come over and kill me.  HELP.  What am I going to do.  Please tell me tomorrow this will all be better.  This was my first experience in the hospital for a major surgery.  I keep seeing Nutrisystem commercials and wondering if I should have just eaten the nasty food and dealt with it.  Please help.
on 4/2/11 1:10 am - Rochester, MI
You poor thing! I felt horrible too at that phase. Try and sleep in a chair and avoid lying flat. It will get better but it might take a week or two. Just so you know, some foods will never taste the same and that is normal. Hang in there and keep checking in here. We can't make the pain go away, but you might find some comfort here.
on 4/2/11 1:13 am
Awwwwww, I am so sorry. LOL....I have to laugh, you are a funny lady! Humor will help! If I were closer, I would consider your request...LOL! You will not be "all better" tomorrow....but it does get better. What you are feeling is perfectly normal! Have you hit the "what in the HELL did I do to myself" stage yet?

You are close since you are longing for Nutrisystem...lol! I did not sleep in my bed for about a week...it was just too hard to pull myself upright. I slept in a lounge chair. Please take your pain meds, they will help you keep moving and that is crucial.

Yes, water does seem to hurt. I have never figured that one ou****er hurt me for weeks, especially in the morning. It was fine for me later but some people say warming it a bit helped them...yuck! What are you trying to eat? I didn't eat for weeks. I had warm soup broths, Jello, Popsicles, watered down or sugar free juices, protein drinks and Crystal Light with unflavored protein powder.

Don't worry about much but getting in liquids, walk and rest. It really will be ok. Follow instructions very carefully. You just had a major surgery and you need fluid, movement and rest. Keep us posted, in a short time, you will be so happy. By-the-way, call off your friends...you will be glad you lived when you get through this rough spot and you won't have to eat disgusting food...lol!       Connie
(deactivated member)
on 4/2/11 1:18 am
Sorry to hear, but there is a silver lining it does get better with time, it takes about 2 weeks and before you know it you will say hey i feel better, and it does get better, Just take it easy your body has been thru a lot, so just take it easy, you will be able to eat and like the post before me some foods you will not want to eat, taste buds change so much. I even forget i had wls until i happen to eat too fast or something other than that i am terrific, sure you  have your good days and bad, but for me the good day out weigh the bad. take care and rest it does get better....
on 4/2/11 1:25 am
I so feel your pain!  I am 5 days out and day 3 and 4 were BAD!!!  I was starting to have some serious regrets!  Take your meds, sip what ever liquid you can handle and rest!  So far, Day 5 for me has rocked!  I cleaned the kitchen and took a shower!  I feel like Queen of the World!  Hang in there!
on 4/2/11 1:42 am - NC
i just had some swanson chicken broth.  delish.  i did blow my nose.  i thought i'd die.  what have i done.  OMG!
on 4/2/11 1:53 am
LOL....uhhhh yeah, every reaction will produce a painful reaction! Maybe you have just discovered the "nose running thing" when we eat or perhaps it was the heat of the broth....then again, maybe you are suffering from seasonal allergies?? Blow very gently or not at all....hahaha...just swipe! Pain meds are your friend!         Connie
Kate -True Brit
on 4/2/11 2:17 am - UK

I'm not RnY but I am very sure it will get better!!! Otherwise we would have an awful lot of very, very dissatisfied people on here!!

Best wishes!!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 4/2/11 2:29 am - TN
I am 4 days out and the first day felt the same as you....won't see my bed for a long time...people here told me to sleep in the recliner and it did make a big difference for me.  My original pain med (Lortab) didn't work for me so the doctor called in Roxycodone and it has been a godsend.  I actually slept a straight 5 hours last night.  The first 2 days I had trouble with cold, kept at it, but alternated sips of hot decaf tea.  It helped me.  I also keep a pillow on my belly all the time and if have to cough or just use abdomen muscles I squeeze it to the part of my belly that hurts as I do it....helped me.

Praying you feel better soon,
Lori P.
on 4/2/11 3:52 am, edited 4/2/11 3:52 am - Kenosha, WI

It will get better.  I had much more pain that I anticipated too....so I know what you are going through.  Try to focus on resting and in between that get in your water, protein and walking around the house.

Nutirsystem would have just sucked up your money and in the end you would have probably been that same as when you started and your taste buds would have hated you!!

OH...and those friends that refuse to come over and kill you....I say get rid of them all 


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