question for you...11 months out

on 4/3/11 12:27 pm - Medway, MA
hi all!
on april 10th it will be 11 months since my gastric bypass.  as of this morning i have lost 190 pounds since the surgery.  422 to 232lbs.  so, my question is... in the past month i have lost 10 pounds.  is this ok? too slow?  i still have about 60 pounds until i reach my "realistic" goal.
my next appt. with my surgeon isn't for over a month and i cannot wait until then to see if i am still on track.  i know everyone is differerent, but i wanted your opinion.  the weight loss has slowed greatly and i guess i just want to know it is ok.
i am exercising at least 5 days a week and eating much better (still mostly protein shakes and bars, but now i can eat egg beaters with roast turkey hash, string cheese and milk)
just wanted to touch base with others who have been through this.
on a side note - i finally just calculated my BMI and i have gone from a bmi of 66.1 to now having a bmi of 36.3 - i am so happy and proud!!!

320 pounds GONE forever!!!

 start 455/ current 135


on 4/3/11 12:44 pm
Wow - you've achieved so much!  Congratulations.  Sounds like you're doing well.  I'm struggling a bit now.  The volume that I can eat before feeling full has drastically increased - sometimes to a cup or so of volume.  I need to be a bit more strict with what I eat so I can continue to lose weight.  I need to decrease my carbohydrates and it wouldn't hurt me to exercise more than I am doing.  You sound fine.  The less we weigh, the less calories it takes just to operate our bodies.  That's why our weight loss is slowing - for one reason.

Feeling good?

Mary Catherine
on 4/3/11 12:52 pm
 Weight loss usually continues until about 18 months, so if you can continue with ten a month it it should work out perfect for you.  It gets easier to eat more and harder to lose as time goes on.  Continue to follow your plan, exercise, and weigh yourself often.  You have done great so far and I wish you the best of success with your journey.  Isn't it amazing?
on 4/3/11 11:21 pm - Knoxville , TN
I am 9 months out and for the last two months I've lost 9 and 10 pounds. Here's my data:

Monthly Progress
# Weight Loss Total Loss BMI %EWL Total %EWL
0 286.0 lbs 0 lbs 0 lbs 47.6 0 0.0%
1 264.0 lbs -22.0 lbs -22.0 lbs 43.9 -18.2% -18.2%
2 249.0 lbs -15.0 lbs -37.0 lbs 41.4 -12.4% -30.6%
3 234.5 lbs -14.5 lbs -51.5 lbs 39.0 -12.0% -42.6%
4 222.0 lbs -12.5 lbs -64.0 lbs 36.9 -10.3% -52.9%
5 211.0 lbs -11.0 lbs -75.0 lbs 35.1 -9.1% -62.0%
6 199.0 lbs -12.0 lbs -87.0 lbs 33.1 -9.9% -71.9%
7 186.0 lbs -13.0 lbs -100.0 lbs 30.9 -10.7% -82.6%
8 177.0 lbs -9.0 lbs -109.0 lbs 29.5 -7.4% -90.1%
9 167.0 lbs -10.0 lbs -119.0 lbs 27.8 -8.3% -98.3%

I am not concerned that it's slowing down. In fact, I'm glad because I don't want to go too low. Slow and steady wins the race!
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~E. Roosevelt

(Ticker includes 11 pounds lost in pre-op diet.) 

Michelle J.
on 4/3/11 11:34 pm - Isanti, MN
I will be a year out on April 14th and have lost a total of 149 lbs. In the last month I've lost 2-3 pounds. It is normal to slow down - my surgeon said I'm pretty close to being done with losing but would still like 4 more to come off - so I have increase my exercise - hopefully that works. Great job on the weight loss :)
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