1st post-op appt

on 4/13/11 4:23 am - Buffalo , NY
I am going for my 1st post op tomorrow, can anyone tell me what am I looking forward to? I was wondering how long b4 I get to sleep on my stomach again and per dr.'s order exercise clearance should be around 6weeks post op, do I really need to wait that long to get started?...
on 4/13/11 4:37 am
usually, the surgeon checks your incision(s) and checks your intake of protein and fluids.  It is important to wait long enough for all the incisions to heal.  they mess around in your guts when they do the surgery and you need time to heal to avoid causing bigger problems.    I
on 4/13/11 9:08 am - Buffalo , NY
Sounds reasonable, I just need to involve myself in different things to keep myself busy, being at home doing not much of anything is driving me nuts hehe, but I'm hoping I can drive soon so i can get around and at least walk around more. But will continue to be kind to my body, thanks for getting back to me. :) 
on 4/13/11 5:50 am
At my 2 week post op appt. my surgeon wanted to make sure my incisions were healing, any signs of infection, how I was feeling over all, my protein/fluid intake, any signs of dehydration,  vitamin intake, reinforce that I am not supposed to lift anything heavier than 10# for 6 wks. I see him again in 4 wks. I see the Nutritionist and the fitness trainer at that time also.  If your surgeon wants you to wait 6 wks. to resume your exercise routine it's because you've still got 90% of your healing going on inside. I would imagine that your surgeon will say you can sleep on your stomach now as long as it's comfortable.

on 4/13/11 9:06 am - Buffalo , NY
Ok, think I'm getting the picture. So far I believe everything's in order I think although to be honest I consume protein I dont really keep track of it and I am constantly sipping on liquids so I'm not concern but I'm not sure if that will be good enough. As for exercise I will wait, I just thought it was too long considering things seem to be getting normal each day. I am eager to start phase 3 and learn more about future foods. Thanks for your input. ;)
(deactivated member)
on 4/13/11 2:19 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
In my humble opinion, I think it would be OK to be taking gentle walks now;  waiting for the gym clearance is a good idea. 

I found that I was walking 30 minutes daily by the 3rd week, and it really helped my digestion and mental outlook.

Good luck!
on 4/13/11 4:26 pm - Buffalo , NY
Yea Im thinking walking shouldnt hurt, but I agree with you as far as full blown work outs. I'm just trying to stay pro active. Thanks!
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