Surgery questions

Kathy B.
on 4/15/11 12:32 am - ME
I am wondering if most gastric bypass patients wake up with an NG tube and a drain??  I am scheduled for my surgery on April 27th. 
on 4/15/11 12:43 am - St Charles, IL
 You wont remember **** from waking up. 

I was in and out of consciousness for most of my time in the recover room. I had a drain in my stomach for a few days. But that is nothing didn't even notice it.  The catheter i had was removed day 1 in the evening as well. 

Kathy B.
on 4/15/11 12:48 am - ME
Did they remove the drain before you went home or did you go home with it still in??
on 4/15/11 12:58 am - St Charles, IL
Yeah I was ready to go home after 3 days, but they kept until the morning of the 5th day that morning my surgeon removed the tube. 

One thing that kept me the extra days. Is my surgeon had a new partner doing rounds and he being new was gun shy on discharging another surgeon's patients. 

Sidonia B.
on 4/15/11 12:44 am

i had my bypass sugery last week and i woke up with a tube coming out of my nose. just to drain any access blood from my stomach. i also had the band removed the same day... i had ten incisions, the doctor had alot of work to do. my surgery took 4 hours. but thats because of all the scar tissue and the removal of the band,,,

Kathy B.
on 4/15/11 12:49 am - ME

How are you feeling??  I was going to get the lap band but changed my mind a month ago to gastric bypass. You obviously had problems with the band??
kerry D.
on 4/15/11 12:57 am - Cambridge, MA
You'll wake up with 1 drain that is usually removed on the morning of day 3 before you go home.  A catheter that is usually removed the night of day 1, or day 2 morning, depending on what time you have your surgery. 
Amber L.
on 4/15/11 1:05 am - Sweden
They don't do catheters here at all if they can keep from it. They have you pee before you walk into the OR and then they "drain" you if needed during surgery. I am not sure if they've embraced this in the US yet, though.
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

on 4/15/11 1:08 am, edited 4/15/11 1:09 am
No NG tube when I woke up nor did I have drains.

Edit:  To comment on Amber's reply my surgeon doesn't use catherers either.  I was told to walk within 3 hours of surgery and to go pee on my own if I had to go.  I didn't have any problems at all.

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