Wondering about bariatric surgery

on 4/29/11 12:04 pm - AL
There are currently four approved surgery types.  I suggest you study all four and learn as much as you can about them.

The band, for instance, has the worst stats for almost everything that is studied.

The Duodenal Switch has the best.

Each surgery comes with different post-op, lifetime, "upkeep" and you need to be sure you understand what is involved in maintaining your health for the rest of your life.

For more info on the DS go to www.DSFacts.com.  There are forums here for each surgery type and there is also a revision forum where you can read about people whose surgery has failed.


on 4/29/11 2:48 pm - Vancouver, WA
To cut to the heart of things NO BAND! This is the worst possible way to maybe lose weight.
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