Sooo, having surgery monday & would like to know about excess skin??

on 5/4/11 3:01 pm, edited 5/4/11 3:02 pm
Hello all :-],
This is my first post and ive been browsing for weeks, looking at everyones post's, getting updated, and trying to prepare my self. Thanks for all the encouragement by the way beautiful ladies and you too gentlemen.
But what i really would like to know is there any of you that can "confidently" where a bikini and not have any of that extra skin (we all love), [without having surgery]? Not to be rude or anything just wondering.
--ANY input would be nice as I see you guys dont like to reply that much :-]

Thanks for skimming through.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
--Dr. Seuss

on 5/4/11 6:43 pm - Henderson, NV
 Not me!  I could probably rock a bikini TOP... the top half of me is alright... but the bottoms?  That's a total no-go.  My thighs and lower abdomen are totally wrecked.  I was hoping to be wearing a bikini this summer - I'm a size 4, and thought by this point I'd be ready.  I'm definitely NOT bikini-ready without having skin removed.  In all my time on OH, I have only seen one individual who looked "normal" in a bikini without having some "help," and she was young and a lightweight.  Not that there aren't more out there... I just don't know of any.  

HW 290/GW 159 (reached 2/19/11)/CW 142

on 5/4/11 7:48 pm
Your extra skin depends on a few things.  Firstly, how you carry your weight - if you have carried your weight in one area that is going to be more stretched out.  Secondly, how old you are.  The older you are the less skin elasticity you have.  Thirdly, how many times you have stretched out that skin - yo yo dieting and pregnancy for example.  Fourthly, genetics - some people are just luckier than others because their skin has more elasticity.  It is impossible to determine how you are going to look after you lose the weight.  

Lastly,  what ever you do, don't get suckered into buying creams or other magic potions for tightening skin.  Creams can't do that.  Only plastic surgery can.  

 HW 315/ SW 297 /CW 173 /GW 150, size 8/10, 5'8 tall  (Updated December 1)
Mary Catherine
on 5/4/11 10:48 pm
 I started with exfoliants and anti-cellulite creams as soon as my surgery scars healed.   I also went to the gym and worked out, walked, swam, and did water aerobics.  None of those things eliminates loose skin but all of them make your skin look and feel better.  Loose skin looks a lot better when it is supported by and draped over nice lean muscles.  Skin feels a lot better when it does not have a lot of built up layers of dry dead skin on top.  

Think about what leather cleaner does for a pair of shoes.  That is what proper cleaning and lubrication does for your skin.

I did need a tummy tuck.  Years of stretching from childbirth and from overweight could not restore my abdominal muscles.  My abs are now tighter than when I was a teenager.  The rest of my body looks great in a bikini without any plastic surgery.

Take care of your body inside and out.  This is your chance to look and feel wonderful.  Take full advantage of it.
Susan S.
on 5/4/11 10:50 pm - Roselle, NJ
Depends on so many factors...age, starting bmi, how fit you get......I got to a bmi of in great shape cycling training,bellydancing and doing crossfit...and had all the my body now....and am thrilled in a bathing suit....but rockin a bikini?!? Nope. What are your starting stats?!? Susan
Obesity Help Support Group Leader - The Woman Warrior
286/170/131 (starting/goal/current)
LBL - 10-30-08, brachioplasty/augmentation 2-26-09, medial thigh lift 3-16-09
Plastics - Dr. Joseph Fodero


286/170/140/131 (starting weight/goal/surgeons goal/current)

LBL 10-30-08 - Joseph Fodero
Brachioplasty/Breast Augmentation - 2=24-09


on 5/8/11 11:33 am
On May 5, 2011 at 5:50 AM Pacific Time, Susan S. wrote:
Depends on so many factors...age, starting bmi, how fit you get......I got to a bmi of in great shape cycling training,bellydancing and doing crossfit...and had all the my body now....and am thrilled in a bathing suit....but rockin a bikini?!? Nope. What are your starting stats?!? Susan
Well okay lets start of if im not too late..

My BMi iS- 38
My HiEGHT iS- 5'10 2/3
MY BODY TYPE iS- Pretty good, im not all that huge other then the fact my stomachs surely there.
[And im 18 years young BTW :]
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
--Dr. Seuss

(deactivated member)
on 5/4/11 11:24 pm - Woodbridge, VA
ha, not a chance in hell for me! I had surgery in my 20s, so I was hopeful that my age would help things "bounce back," but not even close - I have huge batwings under my arms, lumps and rolls of skin on my back and sides, my inner thighs are reminiscent of a sharpei, and my stomach is distinctly defined into an upper and a lower stomach with my belly button completely hidden in between the rolls. It's even difficult to rock a one-piece!
on 5/4/11 11:43 pm - County Line, MI
I can promise you that you will NOT rock a bikini without plastic surgery! But you can look great in a sexy one-piece. I am 55 years old and have lost over 230 lbs. and have had 4 children, so my bikini days died years ago. The skin issues do improve some over time as well, but it is mainly genetics. My worst looking area is probably my thighs-very wrinkly sharpei thighs!

Highest -380  Surgery- 345     Goal- 150   Current-150     5 ft. 8 in.

Emily F.
on 5/5/11 7:51 am
On May 5, 2011 at 6:43 AM Pacific Time, mittenfarm wrote:
I can promise you that you will NOT rock a bikini without plastic surgery! But you can look great in a sexy one-piece. I am 55 years old and have lost over 230 lbs. and have had 4 children, so my bikini days died years ago. The skin issues do improve some over time as well, but it is mainly genetics. My worst looking area is probably my thighs-very wrinkly sharpei thighs!

 I think anyone who feels good enough in a bikini can rock it out. 

Some may not feel comfortable but I think anyone who is confident CAN rock it, even with skin. 

So not 'definitely', she can rock it, if she wants to.
Lady Lithia
on 5/4/11 11:50 pm
Oh I'm TOTALLY able to pull off a bikini

But I'm afraid that I might be responsible for brain seizures and permanent psychological damage in those who would SEE me

I've lost 200 pounds.

Here aer a few of my lovely photos:

for perspective on what those pictures mean in clothed-person reality, here's my before/after

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

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