I haven't changed...& don't want to

on 5/13/11 6:51 am
I have to say, I have the same personality that I had before...I love to laugh, play and I am passionate about people and being kind to others. I was also obese since childhood so that was all I knew. That said, I do have a new mantra...."Good Connie no more"! 

OK, that means I will not just stuff my feeling and smile when I see people running over others...myself included. Obese Connie would "grin and bear it" just to keep the peace and also because I wanted to never cause a scene. I was so judged for being obese that I didn't want to be seen as a "troublemaker".

Now, I feel free to express myself. I hold my head up high and "take a stand" if I need to. I am more confident and I instill confidence.  I love to shop and be treated with respect. It is not just my attitude, I would like to think so but people are just cruel. I'm happy to be the same kind hearted, fun loving gal I was before...it's just that I feel better about myself.    Connie
on 5/13/11 7:59 am
go Connie go!  :)
SW / CW / GW
327/203/ 180  
Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 5/13/11 7:26 am - Green Valley, AZ
Hi there,
    I have not changed in my basic personality tho people say I have. It's just that I am letting my true self shine through again. In college I was a size 12. (Much smaller than today's 12) I was so very active in clubs and very outgoing) I rarely get angry except with myself. Played tennis and I am highly competitive by nature.  I'm really glad that people are seeing the real me now instead of the meek big fat lady who wanted to hide in a corner and watch life pass me by.     Mag   
(deactivated member)
on 5/13/11 8:48 am - Reeseville, WI

I've thought about this several times.  Don't feel I have changed at all.  I'm healthier for sure, but my personality is the same.  No one has ever told me I've changed either. 

The feeling of embarrassment when being out in public is diminishing some however, so I guess that could be a change. It's nice to go into a store and think about how I fit in now and no one is going to be staring at me or thinking mean things about my size.

on 5/13/11 8:51 am
 I think its impossible not to change somewhat.  Agreed, that I have the same values etc., but for example, I wear clothes that fit my new slimmer body.  Not tight, just fitted.  My husband thinks that I dress sexier.  I think that I just look sexier in what I wear because I'm slimmer.  I have more confidence, but I am still (at least I hope) am still kind and compassionate towards others.

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


Still Fawn
on 5/13/11 8:59 am - SIERRA MADRE, CA
Naw, I was a ***** before, and I am a ***** now. Ha ha. Seriously though, like others have said, I feel like I haven't changed, but the people in my life say that I have. Not in drastic ways.. Some positive and some negative.. But definitely not 100% the way I was before.

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

on 5/13/11 9:00 am - Vancouver, WA
I agree with Popeye "I am what I am and that's all what I am!"
Julie R.
on 5/13/11 10:33 am - Ludington, MI
 You asked two very different questions:

"Did your personality change after WLS?
"Are you a different person now?"

In response to your first question, no, my personality remains the same.     I have always been enthusiastic, friendly and talkative.    I have always been open-minded, opinionated, but receptive to the opinions of others.    I have always been curious, passionate, and eager to learn.    I have always been terribly sensitive.     None of these aspects of my personality have changed.


I AM a different person now.    I am more willing to approach people, more willing to receive attention, more confident performing before others (I am a musician and choral conductor) and more confident in expressing opinions.      I am also less willing to take abuse - I have far more boundaries now than I used to, and this has served me well.
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

on 5/13/11 10:40 am
Interestingly enough, I was discussing this with my dearest friends just this afternoon. The consensus it that no, my basic personality hasn't changed---I used to be a ***** and I'm still  one. (*grin*)

BUT---my friends tell me that I'm kinder and more tolerant of the flaws of others. That I don't *****slap people *****ally ARE trying. That I spend less time worrying about MYSELF and more time caring about others.

So I guess I HAVE changed---at least in my friends' eyes.
on 5/13/11 11:35 am
My basic self has not changed with the weight loss.  However, people - strangers - definately act differently toward me.  Is that because I am an "acceptable" fat person now because I'm not morbidly obese?  or is because I project something different ?   I don't  know.  I see no change in the way family, friends, co-workers act towards me - but there is a definate difference regarding friendliness of strangers - male and female - towards me.  I don't see changes in my attitudes and only behaviors have changed due to energy level and food no longer being my focus.

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