vegitarian help.

on 5/23/11 4:18 pm, edited 5/23/11 5:01 pm
hi guys,

iam a pre-op and researching  my post op nutritional options ,
can you guys direct me to some write up or something so that i get a fair idea of what to eat after surgery. i do eggs .
i especially want to know what are the vegitarian forms of dense proteins.
the nut in my doctors office is not so great . so i have to do my own research.

i bought an isopure protein powder which has 5o g protein per serving but the rest ill need through the diet.

guys please help
thanks in advanse for any info.
ps:sorry for vegan and vegitarian misunderstanding.
on 5/23/11 4:39 pm
I am not going to sugar coat it for you - there is a high possibility you are going to struggle post-op.  Eggs only have 6 or 7g of protein so that is actually not that much.  And there are only so many eggs you can eat.  

Low protein is a very very serious problem and nothing to assume you can work out when you get to it.  

Being post-op and having a sleeve I would have no idea how to get enough protein in on such a restricted diet.  I can see working around being vegetarian, but vegan could be a stretch.  

 HW 315/ SW 297 /CW 173 /GW 150, size 8/10, 5'8 tall  (Updated December 1)
on 5/23/11 5:02 pm
hi sarah
sorry for the vegan vegitarian misunderstanding.
thanks for the reply .
(deactivated member)
on 5/23/11 7:39 pm
 There are LOTS  of vegans and vegetarians  here  maintaining  successfully and VERY healthily !! 

As long as you are willing to tolerate isopure ..  thats a great start ...  because I myself found the  soy and rice protein based shakes weren't QUITE as  well absorbed as whey .. 

I LIVE on protein chai tea and protein coffee  using banana isopure made with only a little water as  a creamer (  you make the one-scoop mini-shake first with about 2/3  cup of water ,por it into  a cup then pour  the hot  tea or coffee on top-  yum, a protein latte ! ) 

Im not 100% vegetarian , but enough  so  to talk about he possibility (  about 3/4 of my meals are vegan or vegetarian ) 

I love brown rice and tofu or rice and peas  or rice n beans  as  a meal...  with my RNY .  I also  do a lot of  seitan  ( mock turkey ,mock chicken  ) ..and the pouch tolerates it WELL.. even loves it .   Loves those little  shanghai  dumplings too .. the  prepared ones  from the same source .  loves lowfat almond milk cheese  ( pepperjack -  yummo! )  s that have one gram of fat per  serving and tofu " bleu "  cheese  which has 2 grams  ... 

Youll be WAY ahead calcium wise if U eat  Kale , broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables regularly .  ( as well as take Ur calcium citrate ) 

Dont be afraid ..  Im sure some real vegetarians will weigh in soon  ..I think there  might be a special vegetarian group  too if not - start one      Ill join!

on 5/24/11 3:26 am, edited 5/24/11 3:40 am
thanks mini .....that is actully a good idea their should be a vegitarian fourm .it will be so help full to all the vegitarians and vegans out their , who have had their surgery. how do you go about it ? any idea.
    LilySlim - (m9B4)
Harley Q.
on 5/23/11 10:38 pm - Central, NJ
So fun to see a vegetarian post.  I am unclear if you are vegan...if not I am a vegetarian and have been since Day TWO of the surgery...For whatever odd reason the thought of any meat post op gave me gag reflux so I became a vegetarian!  It has been almost four years and I have had ZERO problems maintaining a very large high quality high protein - low carb diet.  I eat dairy and legumes as the base of my diet and enjoy many Amys products too.  There are SO many choices for us ...My suggestion is you should wait until you are post op to try different things because your taste buds may change a bit.  Also whole foods, trader joes, wegmans and a lot o health food stores have been a tremendous success for me.  You will do great!  Best of luck!!!!
on 5/24/11 2:09 am
She originally had vegan in both the title and the body of the post, then changed it. 
 HW 315/ SW 297 /CW 173 /GW 150, size 8/10, 5'8 tall  (Updated December 1)
on 5/24/11 3:35 am
hi harley,
i am a vegetarian , good to know their are vegetarians out their too, i only here people talking about non-veg food ,so can not get a fair idea of what they are talking about , and on net the information is so scattered . that it is mind bogling to read and try to figure out what will work for a wls patient. so here i am.
thanks for your reply
    LilySlim - (m9B4)
Heather :o)
on 5/24/11 12:34 am
I am a vegetarian and according to my food log I had 124.5 grams of protein yesterday. I have lost 103 lbs and am about 11 lbs from goal. All my levels have always been normal when tested and I am never anemic.
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha
on 5/24/11 3:37 am
thanks heather for the reply,
reading your post i feel i will survive.
cheers on your success.
    LilySlim - (m9B4)
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