Strange, but true!

on 6/15/11 6:08 am
I have found that I do better when I use regular mayonaise, salad dressings, etc. than I do when I use the fat free stuff or so called "diet" stuff.  It seems to taste a lot better, too.

Anyone else find this to be true?  It seems wierd.
on 6/15/11 6:47 am
Here's the skinny on fat.

Fat not only tastes good, it gives us a sense of satisfication. When foods are made artificially low- or no-fat, the fat has to be replaced by SOMETHING, right? And guess what---it's replaced with CARBS. Most of us are FAR more sensitive to carbs than we are to fats. And those of us who've had a malabsorptive procedure don't absorb all of the fats, but we DO absorb the simple carbs.

So yes, I think you'll find that a lot of people here "do better" when we avoid the "diet stuff".
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 6/15/11 7:02 am
 I only opened this because or your name, lol.

But I will comment on the fat, since I have an opinion on everything, and everyone else is entitled to it. 

Before I had surgery, I eliminated just about every bit of fat and sugar out of my diet possible. Big mistake on the fats. For one thing, some things that are a "fat free" version, end up having more carbs or even more calories than their regular fat laden variety. White/simple carbs are pretty useless, unless you WANT to gain weight.

They now know that we NEED fat for many things, and one of them being our metabolism. Ironic that I cut out almost all fat to fighting my messed up metabolism, and probably just made things worse.

Among the things I avoided like the plague because of the fat calories were nuts, peanut butter, avocados and olive oil. All things I love, and they are HEALTHY, but I couldn't get past the fat calories. Now my doctor is insisting I eat as much as possible of those things.

on 6/15/11 7:25 am
After reading your answers it makes sense now.  I know that I gained a lot of weight in the past by eatin low calorie stuff.  If I have a choice between sugar free or fat free, I get the sugar free.   You know, coffee stuff like Coffeemate.

My name is because I like old movies.
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 6/15/11 7:46 am
Even though Hurst's life was interesting in it's own right, Citizen Cane was an awesome movie.

I wish I'd learned more about not avoiding fats, and that low calorie diets are not enough if many of those calories are simple carbs, BEFORE I'd had my guts rearranged. It may not have been enough to keep my weight low, but I think it would have helped. I DO still use sugar substitutes though, with the exception of the sugar alcohol sweeteners that end in "itol". The gas those cause could be responsible for an explosion.

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