Mexico gastric sleeve

on 6/19/11 4:25 am
I am new here and was referred by a friend who had gastric sleeve surgery.  She is so happy with the choice she made.  My BMI is not high enough to have surgery done in the US (35) (for insurance coverage)  and I can't afford American prices.  I am strongly considering going to Mexico for the surgery, but I don't know the safest places to go.  Can you help me, please?  Thanks so much!

on 6/19/11 4:44 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
I had surgery with Dr. Alvarez in April.  It was a great experience and of the 8 surgeries I've had in my lifetime, it was the best recovery and overall experience.  He is fantastic and so is his staff.  For more info on the VSG, watch Dr. Alvarez's videos on YouTube (Endobariatric).

Post on the VSG forum.  There are several of us there that had surgery in Mexico.  There are 3 or 4 doctors names that you will see repeatedly popping up as good surgeons.  Contact those OH members and ask questions.  Also, go to the serach box at the top of the screen and type in Mexico or Surgery in Mexico.  READ EVERYTHING!  DO YOUR RESEARCH!

I paid $8900 plus airfare for my surgery and there are prices higher and lower than that.  However, don't go with the cheapest price---you get what you pay for sometimes.   Once you find a doctor that you are considering, use the search feature again and put his name in.  That will get you all the posts on OH about that doc.

Good luck with your decision.  Best one I ever made.
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 6/19/11 4:48 am
 I know folks who did well with Aceves, but I have no first hand experience with him. The sleeve is part of the DS, and I know there are DS surgeons (and darn good ones, at that) who have a great cash prices here in the US too. You might want to see what kind of price you can get here if you aren't psyched about traveling.

on 6/19/11 5:49 am
I had an excellent experience with Dr. Aceves and have never heard of anyone who went there who did not.

you should post on the VSG forum & ask folks there.

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

Emily F.
on 6/19/11 7:37 am
There is also a Mexico forum. Good luck.
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