Itchy incision site post op 4 months??

on 6/27/11 8:36 am - denver, CO
I had gastric bypass nearly 5 months ago in February and my incisions seemed to heal quickly but scarred pretty badly. Now my incisions are sore and itchy, this comes and goes but it can be extremely uncomfortable. Does anyone else have itchy incisions this far post op??
on 6/27/11 8:54 am
oh yes.  As long as there is no redness or swelling, it is probably just nerves from the incision.

I have a 4 year old incision from a breast reduction that can make me very unhappy from time to time- it really can't be scratched in public. 
on 6/27/11 10:38 am - Jackson, MI
I have multiple abdominal scars not related to WLS just other abdominal surgeries. One of my scars is over 10 inches long and is almost 10 years old. From time to time it will still itch and become sore. My doctor said my symptoms were related to nerve damage from the multiple surgeries. Some people experience the same symptoms due to the nerves healing as well.

If you are running a fever or develop pain that will not go away or develop red streaks near the area not related to scratching please contact your doctor or seek medical attention immediately...especially since it has not been that long since you had surgery.
Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.  
highest weight 313/ surgery 255 / current 185 / goal 135  Height 5'6"
on 6/28/11 1:17 am - denver, CO
Thank you both for answering, I feel very relieved to know I'm not the only one but a little disheartened to know that this could be a long term thing : /  There is no redness or swelling, the scars are angry looking but seem to have healed completely clean. Thanks again!
on 6/28/11 4:11 am
It does get better and less frequent.  All that cutting results in a lot of little nerves being a bit pissed off.  It just takes time.
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