Thyroidectomy and RNY

on 7/7/11 6:28 am

Hello everyone! I am having my surgery July18th.This board has been so helpful. I only discovered it a couple of days ago. I have had a total thyroidectomy and am completely reliant on my levothyroxine to put back the hormones in my body. Has anyone on this board had a TT and RNY? If so, what has been your experience with your meds? Is there another hormone replacement drug for thyroid patients that is more compatible with the Bypass procedure?
Sorry if this is in the wrong thread; there wasn't one listed for Thyroid under health conditions. I appreciate your input!

Melissa C.
on 7/7/11 6:55 am
I had a Thyroidectomy before my RNY the only thing that I see different is that I need a higher dose of Synthroid and it took about a good year to stabalize my levels.  I go every three months for lab work!

wishing you all the best with your surgery


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I believe..That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become....

A Craving is just an emotional temper tantrum...Marianne Williamson

on 7/7/11 9:03 am
It is very comforting me that you have experienced this too! Although I know to well how challanging life can be after a TT. Thank you! I feel encouraged that I am not alone.
on 7/7/11 8:18 am
No personal experience here, but I just wanted to say that I've read on here that people who take thyroid meds need to avoid soy in their diet. You need to keep that in mind when choosing a protein supplement.
on 7/7/11 9:00 am
Your exactly right about the soy. It is suppose to interfere with the absorbtion of the thyroid meds. Thus, we can't take vitamins for 4hours or eat anything for an hour after taking the medicine. I am considering slowly shifting my meds to a nighttime routine so that my body will have all night to get them in my system before consuming soy products. BTW I am not sure that I have run across any protein supplements without soy. Thanks so much; I am going to have to do a litlle research about this and talk to my dr. and pharmacist.
on 7/7/11 9:26 am
I personally don't use protein supplements, but I do know there are ones that don't have soy. I think they're mostly whey.

It's a good idea to shift your thyroid meds to nighttime NOW, because after WLS you're going to need to take vitamins several times a day. (Calcium, mostly, but it has to be spread out over multiple doses. And you can't take iron within two hours of calcium. Gets complicated some times.)
on 7/8/11 12:23 am

I had a TT 8 years ago and RNY 9 months ago.  I am pleased with my weight loss to date: only 10 pounds from goal.  Like the other poster stated, with the weight loss my synthroid has had to be adjusted every 90 days.

You are right about the necessary spacing when taking calcium and iron with your levothyroxine.  I take mine at 5 AM. That gives me at a minimum 4 hours before taking calcium.  My schedule for just my levothroxine, calcium and iron is:

5AM Synthroid
10 AM Calcium and other supplements(No Iron)
2 PM Iron

All is good.

Wishing you the best

Daddy, this journey is for you.  I love you and I miss you.       
              HW 240 / SW 221.7/   CW 143


"Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way" Booker T. Washington
on 7/8/11 2:39 am
Congrats on being so close to your goal! Thank you for your help. It may be alot easier moving my meds up to 5AM (I take them at 7) than moving them to the PM. Anyone who has been on the thyroid rollercoaster  knows that you don't want to mess with the almighty pill. haha Any time I am grouchy, my family always asks me "Did you take your medicine today!?!?"
Do you take protein supplements? Do you use rice or egg based? I'm thinking it may be ok to take the whey isolate (I know most have soy additives) as long as my levothyroxine has time to absorb in my body. but that is just me self diagnosing. lol I appreciate any advice you have. Thanks
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