kinda gross/ kinda scary

on 7/27/11 11:06 pm
I don't want to gross anyone out but I am concerned about something. I called my nurse last night because when I had a bowel movement, it was full of blood! (completely runny, I never have solids)... warned you its gross. I do not have any hemmroids that I am aware of. I am 11 days post op. I am not in any pain or experiencing any other symptoms. I have followed my diet religiously. Could sugar free popsicle dye or V8 juice be the culprit? She told me to just keep a close eye and If I experience any other symptoms...go to the E.R.
on 7/27/11 11:18 pm
It's not impossible.  So the best thing would be to stop eating popsicles that are red or orange.  Also, stop drinking V8 juice and wait a few days to see.  Besides, unless you are adding protein powder to the V8, there's really nothing in it that you need right now.  Try eliminating both and see what happens.  If you get pain (other than surgical pain) or other symptoms visit the ED.  I hope it gets better soon.
Surgery Weight: 275
on 7/28/11 12:15 am
input = output during liquid phase.. Thats what my doc told me.

Lets just say the red crystal lite I drank for the first 2 weeks scared me just for a moment till he reminded me of that...

I switched to just isopure and water.. totally fine.
on 7/28/11 12:26 am
Thanks for the reassurance:) V8 is on my list to help get a few carbs in. I am suppose to have 30 carbs, no more that 30 fat and 60 protein. Its impossible to get all of that in now. I am just mainly working on the protein. I thought the V8 would give me a variety besides all of the sweet tasting stuff. btw/ I love Isopure.:)
on 7/28/11 12:43 am
If the bleeding was from your surgerical site (stomach/intestines) it would probably not be bright red, since it has to pass through most of the intestines and would turn brown/black by the time it exited.

I agree, it is probably something you ingested. But certainly, if you remove those foods and it continues OR if there is pain I would certainly head to the doctor/ER for testing.

Good luck.

Marilyn (now in NM)
RNY 10/2/01
(updated March 2012)

on 7/28/11 8:13 pm - Fayetteville, NC
o you still have your gallbladder? IF not then V8 COULD be the culprit........ Myself and a few others I know that have had their gallbladders removed have issues with ANY cooked, steamed, or NONraw tomato product. Causes gas and stinky bowel movements.
This is NOT a definate but as other posters have said, try cutting out the reb colered stuff and the V8 and see if it works.........

P.S. I have not had my surgery yet but this is from experience with any nonraw tomato product.
As a single person we make but a whisper, as a crowd we make a roar. A friend.
"I never claimed to be an expert at such matters, but I am an expert at giving my opinion."- My dad
on 7/28/11 9:30 pm - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
Are you sure it was full of blood?  V8 and red colored popsicles/drinks can definitely color your feces red. 

Blood usually is BLACK when it comes out of the digestive system - not red.  Call your doc if you are nervous about it.
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