Unjury calcium citrate chews?

Karen W.
on 8/12/11 11:09 pm - Canada
My NUT suggested that I try the calcium citrate chews available through unjury.com.  Has anyone tried these and, if so, do they taste ok?  I don't want to order them if they're horrible.
   RNY April 11, 2011       
on 8/12/11 11:25 pm
  "Why do other brands use cheaper ingredients from China, yet their price to you is higher? That’s why, with OPURITY ™, Trust is the First Ingredient ™"

I don't like their marketing practices.

No thanks.

on 8/13/11 12:15 am, edited 8/14/11 3:05 am
Contact them and ask for a sample.  Even if you have to pay a small token price, it's better than being stuck with lots of something you cannot stand.  Asking how it tastes is kind of futile, since what tastes good to me may not taste good to you. 

ETA:  I had no idea the makers of those chews engaged in shady marketing.  Thanks for the eye openers, everyone.  It's too bad a little competition brings out the ugly in some folks. 

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

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Elizabeth N.
on 8/13/11 2:55 am - Burlington County, NJ
Unethical company. Will not use. No time to rant at length now but will be happy to do so later. Don't give those ******** a penny, please.

on 8/13/11 4:38 am - Coronado, CA
Any company that sends out mass marketing to tear down another company or community member to help build themselves up is someone I don't want to associate with.

Your products should stand by themselves if they are any good.  No need to smack others around to make yourself look better..  That's a bully..  Me no likey bullies.

Karen W.
on 8/13/11 11:16 pm - Canada
Wow, I had no idea that this company was so unethical.  I'm from Canada, and have never heard any press (good or bad) about them.  If anyone knows of anywhere else (online, of course) to get calcium citrate chews, please let me know.  Thanks!
   RNY April 11, 2011       
Elizabeth N.
on 8/14/11 4:13 am - Burlington County, NJ
Beth (Melting Mama) reviewed one a while back. Rattle around on her site www.meltingmama.net (there is a functional search function there) and it'll pop up. She madly loved the stuff as I recall :-). But the brand escapes me.

on 8/14/11 1:44 am - Davidson, NC
 Where has ole Jerome the Unjury "it's you, not us" bully been lately?  The marketing practice of coming on here and intimidating members really bites my flat, flabby butt.

But in all fairness I did try the Opurity chewable calcium and it tastes HORRIBLE!!!!1!!  DISGUSTING!!!!!   I RETCHED.   It was slightly more tolerable if I held my nose while chewing.  I tried to pawn it off on my kids but even they won't touch it.



Elizabeth N.
on 8/14/11 4:11 am - Burlington County, NJ
I have heard rumors that Unjury is no longer welcome in any connection with OH. One would not expect OH to confirm or deny, of course, since I have no doubt that a ***** like Jerome would be just a wee bit lawsuit happy.

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