2 years Post OP and work out question

Wannabhealthy barbie
on 8/13/11 9:48 pm

The doctor removed a staple and a large stitch from my pouch this week, stating that they were probably what was causing my pain. I haven't been there since my 6 month check up because they made me feel like a failure at six months stating that most people loss more. Well I felt bad enough as it was so I didn't go back. This time they made me appointments for check ups with the nut, psych and surgeon and told me I should be proud I was able to lose the weight I lost and keep it off. BUT in the same breathe the one intern was asking if I eat a lot of sweets or carbs and stay are you sure you aren't eating mashed potatoes and rice, or pasta....I was so frustrated! It is stuff like that, that gets me upset and makes me not want to go. I mean if I WAS eating like that I would still be over 200#. It takes work for me to stay at this weight...that is still much larger than I'd like to be!


I am hoping the followups prove to be helpful and not just more put downs and signs of disappointment.

Also, does anyone have anxiety about working out at the gym, like I am always afraid to get on the workout weight machines for fear people are thinking or saying look at the fatty playing on the machines. I also don't know how hard to push myself to get results! What are your suggestions?

Still Fawn
on 8/13/11 11:32 pm - SIERRA MADRE, CA
I get gym anxiety too! I am ok in my nice dark cardio cinema room, but I get nerves and a racy heart in the weight room- like I am an interloper or an imposter.. It fairly sucks!

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

Tracy C.
on 8/14/11 12:42 am - Canada
  I used to get gym anxiety, but not now. You just need to go! the more you go the less you will care what others think anyways. I go to the gym every other day and do spin class. Its really intense and you get very warm very quickly. I am very paranoid about my arms because they are really gross and would wear a warm up jacket to class. After about a week of sweating to death I decided to take off the jacket and wear just the tank top, guess what?? No one recoiled in shock or disbelief. No one stared or said anything, no one even really noticed. I probably looked more stupid in the jacket. So if you think people are looking at you in the gym they probably are paying attention to there own workout and hardly noticing much else. It gets easier so just go and be proud that you can use the gym without as much dificulty as in the past.
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