Charlie Horses? Anyone else after having lost so much weight

on 9/4/11 9:15 am
I used to get them at night if I had not had enough fluids during the day.  Drink more water and have your labs checked.



on 9/4/11 9:33 am
   You can wait and go to get labs if you want.....but  I stopped mine with SEA SALT!  
       it is naturally high in both potassium and magnesium. My PCP recomended it....after I began having  cramps on a regular schedule.  I make up some about a cup of koolaid and add  a half teaspoon  sea salt  to make an emergency gatorade like formula. Doesn't taste too bad that way.....but if I start cramping I put some in my hand and  lick it up then follow it with water. I do this every 30 min until all my cramps are gone...continue to drink much water.... 
on 9/5/11 9:52 am - Bradford, PA
thank you all

I started WL journey on Jan 14, 2009 starting weight @ 342 
Surgery date was July 22, 2009 and started @ 310 and and my goal weight
is 150.00.                   
on 9/5/11 10:40 pm - NJ
I used to get them all the time.  Someone suggested tonic water with quinnine. I started drinking some before I go to bed and they have disappeared.

on 9/6/11 12:39 am - Bradford, PA
Thank you  :-)   My mom drinks that stuff, blech!!  I can't handle the carbonation.

I started WL journey on Jan 14, 2009 starting weight @ 342 
Surgery date was July 22, 2009 and started @ 310 and and my goal weight
is 150.00.                   
on 9/6/11 12:56 am - NJ
I keep a bottle in my room and let it go flat.

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