Ist day here

on 9/24/11 7:39 am - CA
Hey Y'all...My name is Amber and I am 16 days out from my Sleeve gastrectomy......I've had a few bumps in the road recently but nothing that isn't tolerable...I'm fairly computer illiterate so still learning this whole preocess but I look forward to reading your stories and tricks of the trade.
on 9/24/11 10:42 am - Otsego, MI
Hi Amber, This is my first day on VSG as well.  My surgery is scheduled for Oct. 3 and I my emotions are really up and down right now.  How are you feeling???
Kathleen W.
on 9/24/11 10:43 am - Lancaster, PA
Congradulations on your upcoming surgery.  As far as your computer skills, don't worry.   You'll learn fast.
You'll find that, after a while, it' gets to  be a kind of family: full of information,  encouragement, tell you off  when you need it, humor, and we do  get the jerks and a**holes occasionally.  It's just like any other family

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


(deactivated member)
on 9/24/11 11:07 am
 Welcome Amber    We're moving down on the loser's bench 4 ya !     

Hope U feel  a lot better soon  !  
on 9/24/11 12:04 pm
Wow Amber, I can't wait to be where you are now! This is my first day here as well; I'm currently in the pre-op process and am wondering about the bumps in the road. My curiosity is killing me as to exactly what happens when. I know each person is unique and their post-surgical experiences vary, but I would really like to know what happened with you.

I look forward to sharing my bumps in the road with this community.
on 9/24/11 3:40 pm - CA
Silvertongue, I am soooo excited for you! It really is a wonderful new beginning and you'll be so excited.  I wasn't nervous until the day of, then I got a little freaked out but I obviously went through with it!!  I can't lie, the recovery was worse than I expected, I woke up in a lot of pain but they managed it well.  I've had a hysterectomy and it was similar to that pain wise. Ummm, the liquid diet after wasn't so bad, it gets monotonous, but you gotta do it.  I'm on the "Mush stage" now and it's going well...there really isn't anything I can't tolerate.  I didn't have a weak stomach before, I mean there wasn't anything that upset it, but I've had cottage cheese with a little bit of peaches my mother in law canned, bean and bacon soup mashed up (it's loaded with protein) Light Yogurt.....I will tell you that getting all my water in is harder than I thought it would be...When you can only sip it takes forever and feels like that's all your doing....and it pretty much is!  hahah So lets see....My beginning weight 2 days prior to surgery was 308 and I am weighing in at 285 that's 23 lbs. in 18 days.....Not bad!!  I have my 1 month visit on the 3rd, and it will be iteresting to see if the DR. scale weighs me more...I'll letcha know.  My most recent "Bump" was I had to go back to the hospital for an abcess under my largest incision.  This is fairly common I'm told but completely manageable, so don't let it deter you.  I have to pack my own wound, which lemme tell you is fairly gross but I'm doing it and I'm feeling better day by day.  PLease feel free to ask ANYTHING!!!

on 9/24/11 12:57 pm
Welcome to OH, Amber! Don't worry about the computer skills- folks here are very forgiving.

Read all over the site and find what works for you. Don't hesitate to post your experience and ask all sorts of questions- we're looking forward to knowing you!

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

on 9/24/11 1:30 pm - Northern, CA
Be sure to check out the VSG board on OH, you guys. It's more surgery specific than this one and it's a better place to get specific questions about the surgery answered.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

on 9/24/11 3:45 pm - CA
Thanks guys for replying and welcoming me, and accepting my technological shortcomings...LOL...I can't wait to really go through and read posts and learn different techniques people use/used....It's definitely a change and not necessarily an easy one.  I swear the next time I hear someone say that this is the, "easy way", I'll be forced to put the hurt on em!! 
Emily F.
on 9/24/11 11:07 pm
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