Finding a surgeon

Funmomof 4
on 12/15/11 11:24 am - Mechanicsburg, PA

Is there a way to look up a surgeon on this site that leads to other members that have had this surgeon?  I  would like to ask some questions about the surgeon I am seeing.


Elizabeth N.
on 12/15/11 12:54 pm, edited 12/30/11 7:54 am - Burlington County, NJ


(deactivated member)
on 12/15/11 11:29 pm - Bayonne, NJ
Hi Tammi,

Are you planning on going for a revision? If so, you should be asking a LOT of questions. Revisions can be tricky and if you are talked into the wrong one, you could be very disappointed. There are people over on the revision board who are on their third or 4th because the first couple didn't work.

on 12/16/11 12:17 pm
If your surgeon is listed on OH there should be a tab for Reviews.  That will show you patients of the surgeon that have made reviews.  Not everyone does, though.  You might also try putting the surgeon's name in the search box and see what comes up.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

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