Life Choices

on 1/9/12 1:32 pm

As you can see, I'm an RNYer.  I *lived* on OH for the first year to year-and-a-half after my surgery.

Why did I leave?  I was so SICK of so many discussions disintegrating into a surgery was... being brought down by Diana Cox and/ or other of the "militant" DSers (*my* term) insisting that the DS was the only "smart" surgery to have... that if you even considered any other, you were stupid, etc.


I don't care what surgery you had.  I really don't.  If it works for you, that's AWESOME.  If you want to share information about it, that's ALSO awesome.  BUT... when you start bashing everyone who DOESN'T/DIDN'T choose your same surgery?  That's just wrong.

If you WANT respect, GIVE respect.

That was 3+ years ago.  I don't really know what's happened lately, but I imagine much of the same.

So... I see no problem with management dealing with a" tiger" that was continually attacking... it's a danger to the community.  It should be isolated so as to protect itself and everyone else.


I've partnered with Team In Training to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

If you want to help fight blood cancers, please consider donating at

Thank you for your support!


on 1/9/12 2:05 pm
On January 9, 2012 at 9:32 PM Pacific Time, Plum1967 wrote:

As you can see, I'm an RNYer.  I *lived* on OH for the first year to year-and-a-half after my surgery.

Why did I leave?  I was so SICK of so many discussions disintegrating into a surgery was... being brought down by Diana Cox and/ or other of the "militant" DSers (*my* term) insisting that the DS was the only "smart" surgery to have... that if you even considered any other, you were stupid, etc.


I don't care what surgery you had.  I really don't.  If it works for you, that's AWESOME.  If you want to share information about it, that's ALSO awesome.  BUT... when you start bashing everyone who DOESN'T/DIDN'T choose your same surgery?  That's just wrong.

If you WANT respect, GIVE respect.

That was 3+ years ago.  I don't really know what's happened lately, but I imagine much of the same.

So... I see no problem with management dealing with a" tiger" that was continually attacking... it's a danger to the community.  It should be isolated so as to protect itself and everyone else.


Let's get this clear. Diana was banned for something she posted on FACEBOOK.

Not for ANYTHING she did on OH.

Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

Phyllis C.
on 1/9/12 1:33 pm
I hate censorship too, except self censorship because that is all part of the freedom to say and do as you please.

I can understand why some new people get scared off by the harsh delivery of "information."  I don't like it.  I especially don't like ridicule of someone who may not be very well informed.  I think you can inform and educate without getting ugly about it.  Not everybody has a thick skin, but this is definitely the place where one could develop one.

Yes, the surgery wars attract attention.  I think surgery wars will happen regardless of how the information is delivered.  It is just natural for people to defend their turf.

I want to hear the controversial stuff too.  I want to decide whether or not I want to participate.  I could care less about discussions about religion or politics.  Not interested in baring my soul.  They always lead to arguments, but if that is what someone is interested in posting, have at it.  I can easily ignore discussions that bore me.

I intend to stay posing here because I think that no matter where one posts, the powers that be are going to be biased and will resort to censorship.

It is up to me as a poster to make this place a good place to post.  I am going to do that by being respectful of people's feelings and ideas.  That doesn't mean I won't have something to say that is counter to those ideas and feelings.  Some people are over the top and those people lose my respect.  Mostly I choose to ignore those folks or join in the fun when it happens.

Stalking and getting involved in someones "real" life is off limits to me.  People who do that have too much time on their hands or worse.  People who instigate deserve what they get as long as it is kept here and doesn't lead to stalking of that person.  If you don't have self restraint in that area there is always the block button.

MsBatt, you have always been very helpful to new people and I can't recall you getting ****ty for no reason.  I think you can spot BS on contact. 

I enjoy the fun banter.  That is what I would hate to see disappear.  I would stop coming here if that happened.  I hope you will stick around because you definitely contribute to the fun.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

Jolly Rancher
on 1/9/12 1:33 pm

I agree with pretty much everything you said. Nice post.

Queen Koosa
on 1/9/12 1:34 pm
On January 8, 2012 at 7:17 AM Pacific Time, Phyllis C. wrote:
I hate censorship too, except self censorship because that is all part of the freedom to say and do as you please.

I can understand why some new people get scared off by the harsh delivery of "information."  I don't like it.  I especially don't like ridicule of someone who may not be very well informed.  I think you can inform and educate without getting ugly about it.  Not everybody has a thick skin, but this is definitely the place where one could develop one.

Yes, the surgery wars attract attention.  I think surgery wars will happen regardless of how the information is delivered.  It is just natural for people to defend their turf.

I want to hear the controversial stuff too.  I want to decide whether or not I want to participate.  I could care less about discussions about religion or politics.  Not interested in baring my soul.  They always lead to arguments, but if that is what someone is interested in posting, have at it.  I can easily ignore discussions that bore me.

I intend to stay posing here because I think that no matter where one posts, the powers that be are going to be biased and will resort to censorship.

It is up to me as a poster to make this place a good place to post.  I am going to do that by being respectful of people's feelings and ideas.  That doesn't mean I won't have something to say that is counter to those ideas and feelings.  Some people are over the top and those people lose my respect.  Mostly I choose to ignore those folks or join in the fun when it happens.

Stalking and getting involved in someones "real" life is off limits to me.  People who do that have too much time on their hands or worse.  People who instigate deserve what they get as long as it is kept here and doesn't lead to stalking of that person.  If you don't have self restraint in that area there is always the block button.

MsBatt, you have always been very helpful to new people and I can't recall you getting ****ty for no reason.  I think you can spot BS on contact. 

I enjoy the fun banter.  That is what I would hate to see disappear.  I would stop coming here if that happened.  I hope you will stick around because you definitely contribute to the fun.
Once again good words of wisdom!

on 1/9/12 1:36 pm
Phyllis, I agree 100%. You really hit it on the head.

The opinions expressed by Lyndee are for entertainment purposes only. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. This includes, but is not limited to, the moderators, members of PETA, all unions, liberals, conservatives, SAHMs, WAHMs, gays, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, jews, christians, agnostics, atheists, buddhists and all other religions, the mentally challenged, witches, bitches, the truly stupid and anyone or anything else I may have forgotten. Thank you!

P., you so smart. 
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/12 1:36 pm
I have been moderated ONCE since I have been here.  The one time was recently and it was NOT for being mean or inappropriate, It was for trying to tell the truth about something that had happened.

Moderated for tellling the truth.

Not for being inappropriate.

Not for being mean or attacking.

Telling the truth.

I have been reading here since 2003 and a member since 2004.

This will probably get pulled..   5 4 3 2 1

on 1/9/12 1:36 pm
On January 8, 2012 at 7:23 AM Pacific Time, m h wrote:
I have been moderated ONCE since I have been here.  The one time was recently and it was NOT for being mean or inappropriate, It was for trying to tell the truth about something that had happened.

Moderated for tellling the truth.

Not for being inappropriate.

Not for being mean or attacking.

Telling the truth.

I have been reading here since 2003 and a member since 2004.

This will probably get pulled..   5 4 3 2 1
 and there are those moderated for asking questions - you can't do that, either.  well, depending on who you are.

it's wrong.

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

So Blessed!
on 1/9/12 1:37 pm
On January 8, 2012 at 7:32 AM Pacific Time, multiplepetmom wrote:
On January 8, 2012 at 7:23 AM Pacific Time, m h wrote:
I have been moderated ONCE since I have been here.  The one time was recently and it was NOT for being mean or inappropriate, It was for trying to tell the truth about something that had happened.

Moderated for tellling the truth.

Not for being inappropriate.

Not for being mean or attacking.

Telling the truth.

I have been reading here since 2003 and a member since 2004.

This will probably get pulled..   5 4 3 2 1
 and there are those moderated for asking questions - you can't do that, either.  well, depending on who you are.

it's wrong.

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