Overnight bag...what to pack?

on 2/18/12 2:36 pm - CA
If I'm EVER in the hospital again it will be

Phone/Phone charger
biotene for the dry mouth
Chapstick and something to keep it rolling off the damned little table

They give you everything else.

I have wasted enough of my life worrying about what people think of me.
on 2/18/12 4:09 pm - Eugene, OR
Well, they don't let you wear all that much stuff, so just take your chapstick, slippers, perhaps a robe because sometimes the one they give you doesn't cover your backside, underwear (for when you finally get the catheter out), and maybe an iPod loaded with relaxation sounds so you can get some sleep!  I took mine with thunderstorms and ocean waves and it was a lifesaver for me.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 2/18/12 8:13 pm - Lexington, KY
Revision on 03/28/12
Thanks everyone!  Those are aweome suggestions.

<-------Pharmacist  I can answer general questions, but for more serious questions always ask your surgeon.


on 2/18/12 8:54 pm - San Antonio, TX
 I tripe like the chapstick comments . I had issues with dryness.  Also your camera! You'll want to remember your 'before' for your 'after'.  And lastly, the slippers!! Good luck. I'm thrilled for you!
on 2/18/12 10:13 pm - AL
I brought my own slipper socks. Didn't want to wear the old beige ones from there. So as Roll Tider, I brought and wore my red Alamabm slipper socks during surgery. Pillow for ride home and chap stix. Congrats and good luck!
on 2/19/12 6:20 am - La Verne, CA
gas x strips, hair bands, laptop if allowed and cell phone and charger, sox, facial moisturizer, walking shoes if u want them, I walked in sox,
on 2/19/12 8:20 am - Lexington, KY
Revision on 03/28/12
I knew coming here and asking for suggestions would be a great idea.  Everyone has had such great suggestions and things that I didn't even think of needing.  Thanks again and keep the suggestions coming.   

<-------Pharmacist  I can answer general questions, but for more serious questions always ask your surgeon.


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