I have a cold!!!

on 3/6/12 10:05 am
I have a cold and was wondering what is best to take since I can't have NSAIDS.
on 3/6/12 11:56 am - Cottage Grove, MN
Read the labels to make sure it only has tylenol, and no other NSAIDS. I've used dayquil and nyquil (and their generic equivalents) without porblems.
Carol S.
on 3/6/12 1:06 pm - Milwaukee, WI
 Real Sudafed, the stuff you have to sign your life away for at the pharmacy counter.  I go across state lines (only available by perscription in my state) and buy the 4 hour stuff, and not the time release junk and take it with Tylenol for the aches.

SW/276 CW 150 GW 185

9 Years out.
on 3/6/12 11:07 pm - NM
Airborne and LOTS of vit C.  I had that darn stuff from Sept. until now.  Off and on.  It is gone now and I don't want it back.

I also opened my house windows and aired the house out.  It seemed to help get rid of the germs.

Good luck
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