RNY. Does this mean no sweets ever again?

on 3/26/12 2:31 pm - VA
Did you have your RNY on 2/28? Me too! Here's what happened to me after my surgery: I've never been a chocoholic, but ANYTHING that says "chocolate" almost makes me urp!  I haven't had any cravings whatsoever for anything chocolate. I've had the Muscle Milk chocolate shake mixed with rice milk or almond milk & 2 scoops of Nectar protein powder, & it's fine. I also just bought EAS Myoplex Lite cookies & cream protein shakes. They're okay by themselves, not too chocolatey.

Any cravings I've had have been for pizza & cheeseburgers, & that was only the first week or so after my RNY. I almost always follow the "eat protein first" rule, & whatever protein it is fills me up so much, I don't want anything else. I drink Smooth Move senna laxative tea to make sure I don't get constipated   (THAT was really awful; happened during my second week post-op). Ginger tea also settles my stomach & I just love it.

I do yearn to have birthday cake on my birthday (August), & wonder if I'll be able to eat even a bite. I haven't had any refined sugar, not even a tiny taste, since my surgery. I have such an aversion to the idea of urping!

As far as high-fat foods: I loved eggs pre-op, but now I can only eat egg whites (the yolks make my tummy hurt). I adore Ezekiel 4:9 bread (even the no-sodium is good), & when I have it (can only manage 1/2 slice at a meal) I use Land O Lakes soft butter spread with canola oil. I only use a little bit. Potatoes of any kind don't sit right on my tummy. I had mashed potatoes about a week out & I ate 2 tiny bites & they were so rich-tasting I didn't eat anymore of them.

Everyone is different. You might have to wait & see! Best wishes to you!

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MyLady Heidi
on 3/26/12 11:55 pm, edited 3/27/12 12:10 am
No you can never have any sweets or desserts ever again or you die.  lol

If only I could get myself to believe that.  We all should. 

on 3/29/12 3:14 pm
I never tested the waters......... until I hit my goal weight.  Then I found that I could eat just about anything.  ( i might have had a mini dump once on like 6 doughnuts!)  yep, you heard me right, 6 doughnuts.  See, first I thought I would see if I could have juust a bite of cookie one day , then a couple bites of cake another... then a handful of jelly beans.   Within a month I was binging worse than I ever had before surgery.  

I respect  that there is those among us who can DO MODERATION in all things.  I am not one of them.  I consider sugar (and white processed flour) to be DRUGS not  FOOD and this addict does best with "zero"  I also believe that artificial sweetners (besides being TOXIC to the body)  also keep me on the sugar roller coaster!  

Now, that said -  I had dessert tonight which was sweet and wonderful.  1 T. of Raw Organic ****a, 1 Date (without pit)  , 1/4 T. of pure vanilla extract and  1 C. Coconut Milk.  -  placed in Vitamix and spun till warm and steamy!

When I want something sweet -  I try to satisfy it through a healthy food,  Roasted Sweet Potato?  Tea with a teaspoon of Raw Organic Honey?  1/2 of a Ripe Banana with a dash of cinn?  

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