Hello Board!

on 3/29/12 11:10 am - Concord, CA
DS on 07/30/12
Hello every one!

I am Mary, I am 30 years old. I am married to a fabulos guy, and I have a 5 year old daughter. I am in the S.F bay area, working towards having WLS (most likely RNY, but I have to hear what my surgeon will say) through kaiser Fremont.

I am "new" here (though I have technically had an OH account for a couple years).
I'm just wanting to introduce myself around and get active on the boards. 
I would love to connect with some people on the same journey, and I LOVE sucesess stories!

who are you?
Lori P.
on 3/29/12 11:16 am - Kenosha, WI
Hi Mary and welcome!

I am 50 years old, married to my HS sweetheart for 32 years.  We have 3 children and 10 grandkids.  We are currently caring for 2 of the grandkids full time so I have a 7 and 8 year old at home.

I had RNY almost 2 years ago.  I am very happy with the outcome.  I can keep up with the grandkids and still work full time....I feel 25 years old now....instead of the 75 years I felt like before I had surgery!


     SW 212 / Goal 130 / Current 130



on 3/29/12 11:22 am - Concord, CA
DS on 07/30/12
Hi Lori! Nice to "meet" you! You look fantastic, and sounds like you feel it too! Congratulations on your sucsess!
on 3/29/12 12:08 pm
I don't know who your surgeon is, but PLEASE, consult with one that does ALL FOUR forms of WLS. And research all four of them on your own---there are individual surgical boards here, and a Revision board as well. I really believe it's better to choose the procedure that's right for you FIRST, then choose a surgeon who's experienced in doing THAT procedure.

You need to look at how each procedure will impact lots of things---your day-to-day lifestyle, your particular health issues (including your family medical history!), your ability to eat certain foods, take certain mediations, and how it will help you maintain your weight loss.

Good luck to you!
on 4/1/12 10:47 am - Concord, CA
DS on 07/30/12
Thanks so much for your reply! I missed it before I think! Your advice is sound. I've been researching my tail off and I think I've decided whats right for me. I feel like *most* of teh surgeries have their bennifits, but I think I was feeling pressure from my HMO toward RNY over DS (since they dont cover DS)

Your car analogy really hit home and pushed me to do more reading. Now i'm glad I did, thank you  :D
So I am now leaning toward DS over anything else, but I'd still enjoy input from anyone on the WLS journey!
on 3/29/12 12:19 pm - NJ
hey every one im april flower . 49 yrs old and giving my self a 50th b day present. but im no tsure witch way to go on my surgery , iwent to the drs and still trying to figure this out.my sister and friend had the VS but my dr thinks i should go for the RNY.????????
on 3/29/12 1:27 pm - Concord, CA
DS on 07/30/12
Hi April! I hear ya, its a rough decision!

For me, at this point I think i'd prefer the RNY over anything else, based on my own research. The reason for me is I honestly feel I need the the malabsorption aspect as well as the restriction. If i did not need the malapsorbtion, i'd be aiming for VS because of it retaining normal function, allowing for a less restrictive diet, and no possibility of dumping. I would NEVER consider the band, I dont know a single person (in real life) that has good sucess with it.

If I was in a different place in life I would be pursuing VS/DS, becasue it has great long term malabsorbtion benifits that would help down the line not to re-gain but with a young child at home I feel like the time for all the labs and constant adjusting of vits and whatnot, would just be more "me" time than I can take.

All that being said, I will still be getting advised by my surgeon what he or she thinks is best, and I will listen closely to what they have to say before making the final call.
on 3/29/12 2:47 pm - Carmichael, CA
DS on 12/03/12
Hi, my name is Lisa , I'm 28 years old, married for 3 years now, and live in the sacramento area of California. I am still fighting with my insurance to get a DS, and have been trying to  get WLS since 2008, as I feel it is the best one for me. I have heard lots of revision stories and feel it is important to get the right surgery the first time around and I've read excellent data on the DS versus the other surgeries. I am hoping to get rid of my comorbidities with the DS (and I have a lot of them). For example, the DS has the greatest cure rate for type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and highest amount of weight loss sustained long term, among other things, which is what I really need. It also will give me continued use of NSAIDS that I need for arthritis, etc and a wider range of food and medication options than the rny. And most of all, it has that metabolic benefit that my body so needs right now. Anyways, thats enough about me. It's nice meeting you all.
on 3/29/12 2:55 pm - Concord, CA
DS on 07/30/12
Great to meet you Lisa! Sounds like you've done alot of research and found the best thing for you! I have a cousin in Sacramento :)
on 3/30/12 1:44 am
On March 29, 2012 at 8:27 PM Pacific Time, MarySarrica wrote:
Hi April! I hear ya, its a rough decision!

For me, at this point I think i'd prefer the RNY over anything else, based on my own research. The reason for me is I honestly feel I need the the malabsorption aspect as well as the restriction. If i did not need the malapsorbtion, i'd be aiming for VS because of it retaining normal function, allowing for a less restrictive diet, and no possibility of dumping. I would NEVER consider the band, I dont know a single person (in real life) that has good sucess with it.

If I was in a different place in life I would be pursuing VS/DS, becasue it has great long term malabsorbtion benifits that would help down the line not to re-gain but with a young child at home I feel like the time for all the labs and constant adjusting of vits and whatnot, would just be more "me" time than I can take.

All that being said, I will still be getting advised by my surgeon what he or she thinks is best, and I will listen closely to what they have to say before making the final call.
Here's a few things to keep in mind, when you're deciding between th DS and the RNY.

Malabsorption---BOTH procedures will give you life-long malabsorption of certain vitamins and minerals. This means that with either procedure, you're going to have to do "all the labs and constant adjusting of vits and whatnot". I know several RNYers who take MORE vitamins and supplements than I, a DSer, do.

Malabsorption of calories is a different matter. The RNY bypasses very little small intestine, and for most people this means that by about 18-24 months post-op, their body has essentially overcome the 'damage' of it and they're back to absorbing nearly 100% of everything but fat---and with the RNY, you only malabsorb about 30% of fat even right it the beginning. On the other hand, the DS bypasses most of the small intestine, giving permanent malabsorption of calories---roughly 50% of proteins, 40% of caomplx carbs, and 80% of fats. This is why the DS has the very BEST long-term, maintained weight loss stats.

And finally---if your surgeon doesn't do the DS, he or she isn't going to recommend it to you. Why would they? The Ford dealer isn't going to recommend you buy a Lexus.
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