Bypass after abdominal Surgeries

on 5/18/12 1:53 pm - Oshawa, Canada
does anyone know if the surgery is still possible after having a few abdominal surgeries? I was diagnosed last year with 2 types of cancer but after surgery and radiation am clear. I want to go back on the waiting list but am unsure if I'm just wasting my time.  I don't think they would open my abdomen up again but possibly a laparoscopic ???

 May 25th, 2012 - Referral     June 27th, 2012 - Orientation      July 10th,2012 - NP   
July 16th, 2012 - SW    July 18th, 2012 - nut class July 19th, 2012 - dietician Sept 21st, 2012 - surgeon appt  Oct 18th, 2012 - scope   Dec 13th,2012 Patts  Jan 16th, 2013 -SURGERY!!!



on 5/18/12 2:19 pm
I had surgery on my kidneys and bladder when I was 2 YO and 3 YO.  The scar is from the belly button down.  That prevented me from natural deliveries and had 2 c-sections (same vertical scar).
Then I had an ovary removed (same vertical scar).  My surgeon's comment was that they should have just put in a zipper.  But it was not an issue at all.  The lap RNY scares are all above the belly button.  He had no concerns at all and everything went fine.



Jennifer M.
on 5/18/12 5:39 pm - MN
RNY on 02/17/12
 You should be fine.  The only thing is that you might have to have an open surgery rather than laproscopic if your existing scars preclude them from the access they need from the instruments.

on 5/18/12 8:43 pm
It may also prevent certain surgeries, like RNY if there is too much abdominal adhesions with your intestines.  Then they may have to do the VSG.

on 5/18/12 11:28 pm - MN
VSG on 05/17/13
I had an abdominal incisions hernia, and have a mesh from my belly button to my pelvic bone and all the way across. My surgeon said that all he does are open so the incision is from the belly button up, but if need be he can cut through the mesh and replace.
on 5/19/12 1:17 am - freeport, TX
RNY on 08/19/09 with
I had two c-sections and my gall bladder removed. Dr was able to do my RNY fine. Yet my gall bladder removal years before RNY took double the time due to adhesions. So who knows? Well the surgeon will when he gets inside.

I wish you the best of health and the best possible journey thru all this. Keep us updated on how it all goes. Take care!

Met my first goal, met my second goal, met my surgeons goal. Now I have a new goal!
misty Y.
on 5/19/12 3:11 am - CA
I've had 3 c-sections, 3 lapriscopic abdominal surgeries (from cyst issues on ovaries and endometrial adhesions), open hysterectomy, open ovary removal due to massive scar tissue causing me to almost bleed to death and open appendix out prior to gastric bypass.  I was very conserned about having another surgery after my gyn told me to NEVER have surgery again after opening me up with my ovary issue and almost bleeding to death. My surgeon (who is very much so an expert in his field) assured me he was cutting into an area MUCH higher than those other surgeries.  I had no problem having my gastric done lap and have had NO issues from the surgery!! Its really important to have a surgeon who is considered an expert in his/her field!! so please research your surgeon before going forward with this surgery!
on 5/19/12 7:56 am - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
I have had a tummy tuck with scar from hip to hip. Had a 12 lb cyst removed with my left ovary they made the inicision in the same place as the TT. I then had a hysterectomy which they opened me again in the same spot. I will be getting my RNY in June. I was told that they would try to go in laproscopic but if the scar tissue on the inside is bad they may have to do open they won't know til surgery. I do know that when I had surgery after surgery each doctor told me they removed scar tissue too so I'm hoping there isn't enough there to make them do an open surgery.
on 5/19/12 8:29 am - TX
RNY on 06/06/12 with
I've had several abdominal surgeries including a few c-sections and a hysterectomy due to uterine cancer. My surgeon is going to perform my RNY laparoscopically and said she'd probably even remove some of the scar tissue. She didn't act like it would be any problem at all.

Start: 208lbs  Goal: 127lbs   Age:  39     Height:  4'11"       

on 5/19/12 8:50 am - Oshawa, Canada
Thanks for the info, please keep me posted after your surgery and let me know how it goes.  Your situation is very similar to mine, I've had 3 c-sections, gall bladder removal, hysterectomy due to uterine cancer and a bowel resection due to colon cancer, the last two were Sept and Nov of 2011.  I really thought that having so many surgeries would exclude me from being able to have this surgery but from what I'm hearing I guess not! 

 May 25th, 2012 - Referral     June 27th, 2012 - Orientation      July 10th,2012 - NP   
July 16th, 2012 - SW    July 18th, 2012 - nut class July 19th, 2012 - dietician Sept 21st, 2012 - surgeon appt  Oct 18th, 2012 - scope   Dec 13th,2012 Patts  Jan 16th, 2013 -SURGERY!!!



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