seeing family

on 6/24/12 7:31 am - NH
So on Friday my husband and I are going to Jersey for my 25th highschool reunion. We will also see my family (aunt and cousins)  and I am so nervous I can't stand it.  I have lost 152 pounds since they saw me last and I just know that while they will be happy to see me I will also be under a microscope of sorts.  My aunt can be very critical and just on the phone she has already said that I have lost too much weight and she is going to "fatten me up" while I am there. Actually said that she was going to take me to Burger King to feed me.  I told her that she can take me but I was not going to eat at Burger King because I do not eat fast food.  Now I am at a normal weight normal BMI for my height and I have explained this to her. I have also told her that my doctor is very happy with my progress and labs so I am healthy and doing well.  She does not listen and I know that I am going to have to be polite and take it.  It frustrates me because I have worked very hard to reach this goal and to remain at this weight. It is a huge accomplishment and yet now people are critical of my wieght in the opposite direction REALLY?  Will this ever go away?  I give myself a hard enough time I really do not need help thank you.  Ok I am all done thank you for reading this as I know you will understand where I am coming from.  Tina
on 6/24/12 7:57 am - OH
You can be polite without just "taking it."  Tell her, one time, thanks for her concern but you're following your doctor's advice and that you don't want to discuss your weight with her any further.  If she brings it up again, remind her "I don't want to discuss this any more, would you like to talk about something else?"  If she persists, politely end the conversation.

She does not have to listen to you if she doesn't want to, but you do not have to listen to her, either.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 6/24/12 8:02 am - NH
Thank you Kelly, You're right it is just hard to remember that I am an adult now and not let her treat me like a little kid....
on 6/24/12 8:04 am - OH
Well, the way I described dealing with her is what I did a number of years back with my mother.  She was very critical all the time and I just started telling her I didn't want to discuss whatever it was she was being critical about.  If she continued talking about it, I would tell her the conversation was over and hang up the phone or walk out of the house.  I did that quite a few times, but she eventually stopped the criticism, at least for the most part.  I felt like I was teaching a little kid how to be polite and respectful or something!  But it worked.  And even if it hadn't worked to change her behavior, it saved me from having to hear her constant criticism.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 6/24/12 3:33 pm
Well I think SHE'S "just going to have to be polite and take it" that YOU don't eat that junk anymore.

Ignore her.
on 6/25/12 12:09 am
 I agree with the other posters.  Politely but candidly say to her that you are and continue to be under doctor's care and they are happy with your progress.  Leave it at that and if she cannot support you and continues to call you 'too skinny' (something I hear all the time from my family, they're jeolous in my situation) just end the conversation and move on.  If they can't warn them that if this badgering continues you'll just leave.  Simple as that. 

Took me a long time to re-gain my independence so I have little room for nay'sayers.  If people cannot be supportive in your life choices then they don't deserve your company.  

Good luck and have fun at your high school reunion!!!

on 6/25/12 12:39 am - IN
RNY on 06/06/12
 Unless a little white lie " sorry but the last time I had fast food I was sick for days". Thinking that her actions will cause you to poop yourself. Might change her mind.
on 6/25/12 3:57 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I totally agree with everyone here. Don't let her negativity take away from your joy. I would be so excited to see a bunch of people who haven't seen the "new me" yet" - you are going to get so many compliments!

And I love the idea of telling your aunt Burger King makes you sick - I know it would make ME sick!

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand's not a's a frame of mind...

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