Dr. Lopez Mexico

on 6/28/12 1:30 am
Has anyone had MGB by Dr. Alejandro Lopez in Mexico at the MI hospital? How did everything go? Any suggestions?

Thanks for your input.
on 6/28/12 12:08 pm - bay area, CA
I don't know anything about Dr. Lopez, but I do know that the MGB is not a standard of care operation in the USA because of specific complications that are not seen with standard RNY gastric bypass. Specifically, the MGB can cause bile reflux into the pouch and esophagus that can be very difficult to treat because bile is a base (the opposite of an acid), so antacids don't work. It can also be very corrosive to the pouch or esophagus. 
     I would urge you to reconsider your choice of operation, and if this surgeon does this flawed operation, I would urge you to reconsider your choice of surgeon. No matter how skilled he is, it's just a bad operation.

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