2 week Post-Op Dr Appt Tomorrow - What should I ask?

on 7/2/12 8:22 am - Woodbridge, VA
RNY on 06/19/12 with
All my pre-op doctor appointments I was so prepared... had a million questions that I already knew the answers to and was just wanting the dr to validate them.

Since surgery I have questioned what kind of preparation I actually did.  While I have not regretted it for one second, I feel as clueless and as unprepared as a 21 yr old bringing home a new baby from the hospital - without a mom to guide the way!

I'm so clueless about everything at this point.  I'm happy - lost 18 lbs in 10 days but my weight loss has stalled since Friday.  I'm CERTAIN it's because I'm living (happily) on sugar free popsicles and ice water.

Any recommendations on how to talk to the dr so he 1) doesn't think I'm a complete nimrod and 2) can help me reboot my foggy brain!?!?!
on 7/2/12 9:06 am - LA
I would think that you need some kind of protein to keep you going. Did your doctor give you any type of food diet to follow. I was on liquids for the first week. Milk products and cream soups the second week then the soft food the third week and so on. I had the band seven years ago then I just had a revision to the VGS two weeks ago. I know that when I did not get enough protein in my system I started to lose my hair and any type of cut took forever to heal.  The weight lose will come with time as we did not gain all this weight in a day its not going to disappear in a day either.  Have any of us really lost this much weight in a week. All that is fine but we also want to be healthy in doing so.  Celebrate your goal so far and try and walk a little further tomorrow to try and kick start the weight loss again. Good Luck!!!
Grammy Tee
on 7/2/12 10:10 am - OH
I don't know what you know and what you don't know and what you want to know, so I don't know what questions you should ask.

Do you have questions about your post op meal plan?  You say you're living on sugar free popsicles and ice water - what about protein? Do you have questions about your vitamins?  About any symptoms you've been experiencing?

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 7/2/12 11:38 am - Mexico
RNY on 06/18/12
I am Luz Elena from Mexico City. I had surgery 1 day before you did. June 18. I had my appointment today.
I asked:
1 Where is my stomach located?
2 How much plain water should I take
3 I was already having milk shakes (fruit) as protein (milk) so I asked how much more
4 Vitamins?
5 Exercise

That is what I asked

Luz Elena
on 7/2/12 9:47 pm - Woodbridge, VA
RNY on 06/19/12 with
Oh post_kelly... I am supposed to be having protein but I don't like the liquid options and similarly the vitamins (even just the thoughts of them) make me sick to my stomach.  It's 99% mental - I get that.  But what I haven't figured out is how to get past it.  Like a five yr old who doesn't want to eat brocolli at dinner... I can make myself sick just thinking about either a protein shake or vitamins!  My husband has even threatened to not excuse me from the dinner table until I take one or the other.  ;-)

I'm still on only liquids so I'm really hoping that today I get to move into the mushies and then at least I'll be getting some proteins.  And maybe that will make it easier for me to start on those vitamins>?!?!
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