Finally have a surgery date, Aug 2.........

on 7/13/12 12:16 am - TX
So my date is 2 weeks and 6 days away how do I make sure I am prepared  without over thinking it and causing me to have an anxiety attack????
on 7/13/12 12:25 am - IN
RNY on 06/06/12
Your only human if you freak out and over think it.  This is major surgery and you are going to be worried.  My heart raced and I had to fight back freak outs because I wanted my husband to not worry and I want to look cool and calm at all times.  My surgery was on June 6th and I was scared but I knew what had to be done and I put on my big girl panites and went in.  I am down 30 lbs and happy that I did it.  The best thing you can do is keep reading the forums and see all the sucess stories and realize you are doing this for a reason.  Good luck and I'm here if you need someone to talk to.
on 7/13/12 12:42 am - TX
Oh thank you I have my husband too who also likesws to worry alot about me he is already freaking out about how its going to turn out and of if there are any complications. I have been watching videos on youtube and reading the forums so I try to keep my mind from worrying but still being prepared as well. And thanks so much for being there its nice to have someone to tlak to about how I am feeling.
on 7/13/12 3:51 am
Actively taking ownership of your WLS's pre-op plan is a great way to get prepared. 
The more prepared you are, the more in control you will feel. 

Ahead of time, you can make up a spreadsheet of days and times that show when you have to have your protein and drink your water and exercise.  And you can check off those blocks when you have finished.

Do you have any "when I have time I'm going to read that book or watch that movie" goals?
Well, set that up so you have that to look forward to while you recuperate. 

If friends or family ask you "can I help with anything" - say YES!  Give them some of your laundry to do.  Ask them to prepare a casserole for your family.  Allow people who love and care about you to become part of your experience.

Best of luck to you,
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