OMG! 5 years POST OP and gaining weight.

T. Yar
on 7/26/12 9:46 am

I need help and suggestions! I am 5 years post up and my weight has been creeping back up over the past couple of months.  I have not changed my diet or anything.  I don't know what to do?  I have gone from being between 148-158 for the past 4 years to recently weighing between 169-173.  HELP ME!

on 7/26/12 2:02 pm - CO
Give us a day in your food journal so we can try to find the problems. Also, we need to know how much water you are drinking each day. What is your exercise regime? Are you taking vitamins regularly?

VSG 10/18/11      If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.-Dolly Parton



on 7/26/12 4:04 pm - Milwaukee, WI
Wow this sound like me I'm asking for help also, as of 08/04 I will be 4 years out, I have stayed at 145 for the last four years but now I'm 160 I'm so afraid.  I take my Vitimian every day B1, B12, D, Calcium, Iron and a pre-nata Vitim.  Drink about 8 glass of water, still taking my shakes, waking three times a week but have found my self gaining Help

Neen L.
on 7/26/12 11:38 pm - Arlington, VA
You have to get back to basics. Take an honest inventory of what you eat by journaling your food for a week (try or and see what kind of nutrition you're getting. You weigh less now, so consequently your diet has to change to maintain or lose more weight.

-At meals and snacks, focus on protein first. It should be your top priority followed by vegetables, and small portions of healthy starches (if you have room).
-Weigh and measure what you eat to ensure that you are portioning properly. You'd be amazed at how our eyes can deceive us!
-Hydrate. Getting enough non-caffeinated, non-sugared drinks each day is important. Tea, water, decaf coffee, and things like crystal light lemonade are great.
-Increase how much you move. It doesn't have to be a ton and you don't need to join a gym if the cost is prohibitive. Do some speed walking or running for a half hour 3-4 days a week and lift some weights. I walk to the grocery store, get my groceries and carry them home. There are also the silly little things like taking the stairs instead of the escalator, getting off of the subway at a stop further away from the office and walking, or even just playing with your pets/kids if you have any.

I hope that this is helpful. You *can* get back on track and have long term success. Best wishes!

Long-term post-ops with regain struggles, click here to see some steps for getting back on track (without the 5-day pouch fad or liquid diet):

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Need a pick-me-up? Read this:

Miss Liss
on 7/27/12 12:12 am
I am over 8 years out from RNY.  I gained some weight from my low at a few years out.  I, of course, didn't think I had changed anything.  Sometimes we eat more than we think we do.  I started to keep a journal and write every bite, lick, and tastes down.  I was eating more mindlessly than I thought I was.  Got back to basics and got back down.  Keep a journal and really focus on what and how much you are eating.  You may find you are taking in more than you think.  Good luck to you.
on 7/27/12 1:34 am - Lewisville, NC
Wow! I've not been on OH in forever and got on for the same reason! I had RNY 5 yrs ago in may. Maintained 135 to 140 for 3 yrs. over the past 2 yrs. my weight has slowly been creeping back on! I am now up to 169 OMG!! and still gaining. Unfortunately I went right back to the same old eating habits! McDonalds.. You name it. My body craves carbs! I do have some stomach problems on and off on my right side but I think it's caused from trapped gas due to what I eat!!!!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! I'm starting to get depressed!!
Miss Liss
on 7/27/12 3:40 am
Cutting out the simple carbs and sugars really helped my stomach.  I also take a probiotic every day, and that has been wonderful in helping with my digestion and any gas or bloating issues. 
Diminishing Dawn
on 7/27/12 2:39 am - Windsor, Canada
If you are on Facebook and would like to be a part of a supportive group, please join us.
Our group is called
Bariatric Long-Timers.

All are welcome that are long timers and struggling :)


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

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