Post Op day 4

on 8/31/12 9:43 am
VSG on 08/27/12
 Well, I have made it to post op day 4.  I am still battling some nausea and definite fatigue.  I am looking forward to the day that I am thankful for my sleeve...but that isn't here yet. 

Anyone have extreme dizziness and light headedness?  If so, how did you control it?  Every time I stand up,  I feel like I am going to fall. I am being told that it is normal, but I feel anything it normal right now. 

On a positive note, the pain from the actual surgery site (I have 6 tiny cuts) is barely noticeable. Yay!  I have not taken any lain mess except a few Tylenol since I left the hospital. 

I hope you all are having a good day!  I appreciate any tips and encouragement that you have!

on 8/31/12 10:08 am - OH
The dizziness for me was two fold.  I wasn't getting enough liquid so I was a little dehydrated which caused some of the dizziness and the other was that I was on blood pressure medication.  They had to take me off of that medication because my blood pressure was going to low.  After I started getting my fluids in and going off the medication, I only occasionally get dizzy.  Are you on blood pressure medication?  If so you may want to get with your doctor and see if you need to lower the dose or not take it anymore.      debbie
on 8/31/12 10:24 am
RNY on 07/25/12
I had the RNY so i'm sure the sensations and pain levels are different, just as they are for each individuals.  However......Good luck and try some relaxation techniques when you get nauseas or dizzy!
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