Xpost - Anyone use Nike ID with their ipod???

Lisa S.
on 9/2/12 8:33 am - NV
VSG on 07/09/12
I have been thinking about getting the fitbit. The other night I went into the Apple store. I was looking at getting a new ipod. Then I noticed "NikeID" It is an app that works with your ipod and tracks your steps (like a pedometer) your distance, your speed, etc. It works along with NikeID running shoes. You put this little device in your shoe. There is a little cut out in the insole to fit the little device. It transmits the info to your ipod. I am so excited!!! But I am curious to see if others use it and how you like it.



on 9/2/12 11:53 am - Northern, CA
I had it when it was called Nike+. It worked okay. But sometimes it wouldn't record my run.

The other thing is, if you start doing other things, you end up with all these gadgets. I had a heart rate monitor, the Nike+ for running, a bike comptuer for biking and a pedometer to count my steps and I was always forgetting one or the other or to turn one on. Eventually I got a Garmin Forerunner that did everything in one device and I like that better.

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