Weird...head bobbing

on 9/1/12 7:18 pm
VSG on 08/27/12
 I have noticed today that my head is involuntarily bobbing back and forth (front to back).  Has anyone else experienced this and how did you make it stop?  It has been taking place all day!
Citizen Kim
on 9/1/12 8:00 pm - Castle Rock, CO
This sounds neurological - I would definitely get it checked out with your PCP and would go to the ER if you get any further symptoms!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 9/2/12 5:43 am - Canada
umm ya not normal... get in to see your dr asap!!
on 9/4/12 8:22 am
 Oops.  My naughty mind went somewhere else from your byline title. . .

but yes, do go see your doctor if it continues.
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