Today I am anxious... the bad kind

on 9/11/12 1:07 pm
VSG on 06/20/13
Today I am anxious; tomorrow I meet with the surgeon for the very first time. I thought I would be anxious excited, but instead I'm anxious nervous, anxious stressed, anxious anxious. And you know one of the things I'm most anxious about? Weighing in. I'm anxious about weighing in at the obesity doctor's office. Seriously. I  mean what is it about a scale with other people watching and recording that brings me to my knees? Unreal.

Making a list of things I want to talk about with the doctor. Thanks for all your input so far. I'll happily accept all questions you think I should ask, and all the psychological steeling you can provide.

on 9/11/12 1:10 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
one thing to think about is that they are EXPECTING you to weigh a lot. In fact,they would be shocked if you didn't weigh a lot.

This is a huge change from when we went to the dr before and the dr was all about...oh you have GOt to take some of this weight off!.

So they are expecting you to be big and they are going to help you get that weight off. it is a win win situation!

GL u will be fine...




Niki L.
on 9/11/12 6:38 pm - Canada
RNY on 10/15/12
I too see the surgeon for the 1st time tomorrow and i must say i am nervous as well good luck tomorrow we will do fine
(deactivated member)
on 9/11/12 3:35 pm, edited 9/11/12 3:35 pm
I haven't experience to undergo surgery because I'm still thingking about it. Well, good luck! Hope to hear from you after your surgery.
on 9/12/12 5:36 am
RNY on 07/25/12

Unfortunetly, you are going to be anxious, nervous, and crazy with all sorts of questions for the entire Journey!!  I cried my eyes out the night before surgery to my poor fiance, becuase I was so scared.  However, it does get better, and you are about to embark on a journey to a new and imroved you!!  Congrats, God bless, and please.....know that no matter what you have this site to turn to with any questions, and fears!  Make sure to ask about any out of pocket expenses you will have including insurance deductible, recovery time, how much wt they want you to loose before surgery, and if you will need any special testing prior to surgery. will be ok.

Sarah--7 weeks post op today!!

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