Realigned my goal.

on 9/15/12 6:12 am, edited 9/15/12 6:17 am - Canada
I have reset my goal.  I am now aiming for a BMI which is considered "normal" for someone of my height.  I am wearing a size 9/10 on the bottom and a M-L on top, which looks good on me at this time.  My doctor thought that I looked good yesterday and suggested that I not get too thin, as I would look unhealthy, and actually might get unhealthy.  So, as I feel really great even now, I have listened to him, and for now, have moved my goal ticker to 159, which puts me at 24.9 BMI.  If my body wants to get smaller after that, I will let it, but I am being mindful of my health, not focussing only on my desire to be skinny. 
Thanks for letting me share.
Mary Catherine
on 9/15/12 9:24 am
 Your goal is great and your body will stop losing when it is ready.  There is no point in obsessing over that. If you get a little too skinny, you will catch up at about year 3 when bounceback of 10 or 20 pounds occurs for almost everyone.  It is part of the process and normal.  Your too skinny look fills out after a while too.  Obsessing about it does no good.  Your body will adjust naturally,
on 9/15/12 3:22 pm - Canada
Well, I have heard about this dreaded bounceback...and hope that the hard work that I am putting into learning new skills pays off by being kind to me and stays can hope.

on 9/16/12 5:45 pm
 I had a goal of 146....when I got there I kept losing. I increased everything but still continued to lose. I went down as low as 119 and was nothing but bones. At almost 3 years our I have leveled out at 125-127 which I am comfortable with as it allows for additional bounceback. 

My surgeon told me early on that the reason he does not set goals for patients is because the body stops when it gets ready. 

HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

on 9/16/12 5:53 pm - Canada
Interesting....maybe then, I shouldn't set any weight goal at all! That takes the pressure off for sure.  I think I just had an AHA moment.  Thank you....for real.
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