Just doing my thing...

on 1/25/13 2:00 am - VA
RNY on 01/14/13

Hey All,  I just wanted to check in and let you know that I am doing really well.  Taking my vits, getting in all my protein, drinking all my liquids...eating the pureed foods on my list, just like the good rule follower that I am.

I have been doing a bit of slow walking to keep my muscles working...

I have my first post-op check up on the 29th and I am hoping I will be released to go back to my desk job...(I am really bored here at home)...

I have decided that I am not going to be a scale watcher so I haven't stepped on since last Sunday...I figure once a week is plenty...

I believe if I do the right things then the right thing should happen...and so far it has...I am already easily fitting into last years warm clothes (which were very tight by the end of last winter)...

So I am stalking the boards but not really posting because well...IDK...just not...

This is me keeping in touch.

Oh yea...and it is snowing pretty heavily here in central VA.


~~ Lucy

Miss Redd
on 1/26/13 7:30 am - Lancashire, United Kingdom

Hi Lucy,

You sound like I did in the beginning. Just follow your notes and do the babysteps. Don't pu**** and don't ru**** Keeping moving is the best thing you can do, it will help your joints, and also help with the mood shift that can go on. Easy does it with the snow over there!

I live in England and we got about a foot and this poor little town has come to a complete halt! Totally funny!


Keep on keeping on!



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