How do I tell him

on 2/22/13 2:00 pm - Everett, MA

My king was very understanding of the situation. He knows I love him. All he said was that I can tell him anything and that as my other half he is always there to support me. He asked alot of questions about how I'm doing with it, which was his biggest concern, but other than that, he totally made understood my logic. I will never keep anything from this amazing man again...EVER.

on 2/23/13 12:04 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

I am truly glad to hear that he is one of the really good ones. and glad that you have learned you don't have to lie to him,






on 2/28/13 7:15 am - CA

Im so glad he was understanding and supportive.. just have to say "my king?"  I reserve that title for my God, NOT my man....

Maybe I'm knitpicking here,  as a term of endearment we call our loved ones all  kinds of things, but I hope he is only your king if you are his queen... keep the power equal :)

Wishing you all the best :)


on 2/28/13 1:26 pm - Everett, MA

It is mutual, I call him my king and he calls me his queen.


Thanks for the support

on 2/28/13 4:19 pm - CA

Well cool that you got a happy ending! Glad he understood and is supportive!

Great job, taking care of yourself, bet you feel 100 x better now that it's out there! Keep rockin your sleeve girlie!


on 3/1/13 12:02 am - Everett, MA

I feel 1000x better!!! Thanks girlie!


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