Unsure Of Myself!

Leeann LeBlanc
on 4/9/13 3:49 am, edited 4/9/13 5:04 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Hey everyone hope everyone is having a great day! So I have my appointments with the Internal Medicine, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Registered Nurse, Social Worker, Dietitian, Psychiatrists coming up on April 24th, I'm just stressing but really been second guessing myself or I guess thinking am I really able to do this. Like I'm just wondering because i'm a conviniance kinda  girl someone who stops at a  drive threw every other day, eats chips when I get home from work at 11 pm and love ice cream, I know I have to change as I weight 290 lbs have PCOS, I'm insulin  resistant have a lot of health risks in my future with family history bad back at this point may not be able to concieve a baby, I battle anxiety and depression etc...the list goes on. I guess I just need some reassurance that I'm not the only one thats lived like this before and that I can be successful its possible. And the 1 in 200 death ratio scares the heck outta me. Thanks for reading

on 4/9/13 4:03 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

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Suzi S.
on 4/9/13 6:25 am - Houston, TX
RNY on 01/14/13

I think we were all unsure of ourselves when we started down this path.  My work can be very hectic and its very hard for me to get on a schedule and more times than i would like to admit, I drove thru Whata Burger or McDonalds because I had skipped earlier meals and was starving or too tired to make something healthy.  I think you've got to look at your life realistically and ask yourself:

1- Do I have the time to pre-plan and often pre-make meals?  I don't work on Sundays so I will often prepare something like  turkey meatballs and spagetti or turkey chilli and then portion them out and freeze them.  When you have a tiny tummy, you would be surprise how many meals you get out of a batch.  If you take them out the day before and place them in the fridge, you only have a minute or two to wait before dinner is served.  Its much faster than a drive thru.

2-  Do I have a significant other who will be there to support and help me with this process or am I going to be doing this on my own?  Worse yet, is my significant other going to hinder my success?  My fiance, is my biggest supporter and frankly without his love and support, this journey would be a lot tougher.   I know I wouldn't be able to handle someone who was constantly eating junk in front of me. 

3- Do I need counseling to help me figure out what is at the core of my eating.  You may want to invest in talking to someone now to see if they can help you make this decision.  The psychiatrist you are going to meet on the 24th is really not going to tell you that, but evaluate your stability .   You said you suffer from depression, are you self-medicating with food.  I know when I was  sad, a pint of ice cream seemed like the perfect answer.  Even today when things aren't going as well as I would like, I think about drowning my sorrows in it, but I know it will make me sick. 

You've got to decide what you want more, a healthy long life with the hope of sweet little baby or McDonalds.   I'm not sure if this helps and with only three months under my belt, I don't know if should be giving you advice.  Good luck, I hope you make the decision that is best for you.



RNY:  1/14/2013, HW:  220, SW: 207, CW:  182.8, GW:  125

Leeann LeBlanc
on 4/11/13 3:38 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Thank you for your reply I really appreciate it !

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