I woke up from surgery instantly regretting what i did.

on 6/1/13 11:36 am

I'm having severe regrets to this surgery i had, i had a roux-en-y, I felt pressured to do it from everyone, well not everyone... i deluded and fooled myself that i wanted it... I don't think i'm mentally capable of doing it anymore and I'm only 4 days out.... I admit i'm weak willed... and i feel weaker and worse every second... I fear a life of restrictions and I just signed up for one i can never escpae from.... whats wrong with me?

Member Services
on 6/1/13 11:45 am - Irvine, CA

We are sorry to hear you are struggling right now.   Consider posting on the Post-Op Forum and the Weight Loss Surgery Regrets Forum.  You may find some advice and support from members who have felt they way you do now.  Here are the links to these forums:



Hang in there and share with others, you are not alone.


on 6/1/13 1:12 pm
I'm 17 days out and still having some regrets, but it's getting better. I was completely regretful until 3-4 days ago, and from the replies I got over on the RNY board it seems to be common for fresh post-ops to feel that way. Progressing from liquids to puréed and soft food has helped. Hang in there!
on 6/1/13 2:10 pm - PA

I'm SO sorry to hear you are having a hard time. (HUGS). I'm still pre-op right now but I know LOTS of people that had RNY and I KNOW it gets better. As for a lifetime of restriction, that's a good thing. You are restricted in your likeliness to suffer from obesity related illnesses, you are restricted from suffering from many of the issues that led you to get surgery and most of all - you are resticted from living a live living uncomfortable in your own skin. When I say "restricted" I mean that it is less likely that these things will bother you as much as they have before. We both know that the surgery isn't reversible BUT that can be a good thing. Please try to reflect on the reasons why you went through with this and the healthier happier life you have ahead of you. I know that I am not in your shoes (yet) as a post-op therefore I don't know exactly what you are feeling but I do know that you can do this. Please visit a support group as soon as you are able to, be sure to stay up on your liquids, proteins and vitamins. I'm here for you and I think I speak for everyone else on this forum when I say we all are. It will get better. I will keep you in my prayers and I'm sending positive thoughts your way.

After reading numerous blogs and posts, I can tell you that virtually everyone feels this way after surgery and then once they are healed, they say its the best thing they ever done. I can't wait to see your post of you saying the same thing. The life of restrictions is one of my big concerns but I recently found out one of my closet co-workers had surgery 5 years ago and I could never tell. She seems so "normal". We go out to lunch, dinner and I never noticed that she had "restrictions". She is further out than you but I tell you all that to tell you that it does get better. Feel free to reach out to me if you ever just want to chat. I'm here.



on 6/1/13 2:42 pm - Vancouver, WA

Like the others have said this is completely normal and has a lot to do with your hormones they run amok for several weeks after surgery but it will get better. Just remember you aren't yourself for awhile after surgery because of this. If it continues for a very long time you might want to talk to a councelor and see if you can learn some helpful coping tips. You can do this and there are plenty of folks here more than willing to help who have been there, done that and have a whole drawer full of t-shirts to prove it! When you start feeling this way try to remember to do some deep breathing and relax, that will help you not to panic and have so many regrets, give it time. Hugs!

Gina 21 Years Out
on 6/1/13 10:04 pm - Burleson, TX

VIDEOMAN:...What you are feeling is VERY, VERY normal...We sometimes read/hear about those peeps who jumped off the OR table, raced around the hospital floor-doing their laps, never took any pain meds...but I have to believe those peeps are few and far between...I am 11+ years RNY, have been a consistent OH member for 12 yrs/am a support group leader & member/am a 30+ nurse/know a whole slew of post op peeps...and dare to say most of us have been EXACTLY where you are now..

First off..LOSE the "I feel felt pressured crap"..TAKE OWNERSHIP, from this moment on...It will serve you well for the remainer of this journey (meaning the rest of your life)..YOU are in charge of YOUR body...what goes into YOUR mouth..what movements YOU do for continued exercise...if you are not "successful", it will be on YOU, not because someone "talked you into surgery"...The UP side: YOU GET ALL THE CREDIT---and the HEALTH !!!!!

Being "weak willed" is fine..that will get stronger with every new thing your body is able to do that it couldn't do before...RIGHT NOW you feel like crap..of course you do...DUH...What fool told you getting your guts rearranged wasn't going to hurt? Anesthesia can have a "hangover" for some peeps for days-even weeks-and you feel "droopy"...Get OUTSIDE, as soon as possible..and a real shower..Those 2 things will make all the difference in the world..

MOST important, IMHO? Support-by peeps who KNOW...Personally, I'm not sure peeps with "regrets" would best for you now-unless they have some POSITIVE things to say, at this point.

My journey has been FAR from rainbows and fairy farts, and I am NOT NOT NOT that kind of poster, but I truly feel you are just feeling crappy from being so freshly post op..

Hang in there!

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Laura in Texas
on 6/1/13 11:19 pm

Well said, Gina. The "victim" mentality does us no good.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 6/2/13 3:07 am - FL

I could not have said this better than Gina as I thought pretty much EXACTLY the same thing; however, I will also add a mention of the gratitude factor.

I have been on this board for a number of years as well, and I have many times been moved to tears by folks who would give up a body part to be able to have this lifesaving surgery, yet they cannot have it because of insurance and/or financial considerations.

I give thanks everyday for the many blessings I receive as a result of having had this surgery, and I am most grateful that I am one of the "lucky" ones who was even able to have it.  So, rather than living in regret, why not take each day and live it in gratitude for the opportunities you have that many others would give anything to be able to have.

Hang in there and know that you have begun a wondrous new journey.  Take ownership of your body and your decisions, and if you still feel this way in two or three months, maybe get some counseling because there is really no go back at this point...

on 6/1/13 11:50 pm
RNY on 10/31/12

yes I felt the same way for a few days after but that went away. I now think I am so glad I got it done. Don't think it

as a life of restrictions, think of it as a new opportunity to experience life in a different way. I don't feel deprived at all. My health

has improved immensely. Life isn't just about food and I love try things I haven't done in many years. Try to think of the positives

and all the opportunities you will have instead of looking back and regretting it. If I'm craving something sweet or fatty, I will just

have a little taste and thats enough to satisfy me. Overall I eat healthy foods so I feel great and I know my body is loving it.

I found after day 10 I felt better from the surgery...hopefully you will too.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; a optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"- Winston Churchill



MyLady Heidi
on 6/2/13 3:37 pm

You got a gift of a second chance and you are already whining about the very thing that was killing you.  I have no idea what's wrong with you but you got something others die trying to get.  Literally DIE, don't get approved for surgery and DIE of their morbid obesity.  You decide who and what you are going to become.

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